OK, so we haven't updated all semester. It wasn't for lack of playing! And we did record the games we did play, at least. The info exists; at least a close approximation. So I figured I'd just do a giant report of the games for the semester. Check it out...
Game | Qty |
10 Days in Asia | 2 |
Anathema | 2 |
Aquarius | 1 |
Basari | 1 |
Boggle | 15 |
Bohnanza | 1 |
Bull in a China Shop | 1 |
Can't Stop | 1 |
Can't Stop the Turtles | 1 |
Cartagena | 2 |
Citadels | 1 |
Coda | 1 |
Continuo | 1 |
Cosmic Cows | 1 |
Cranium Whoonu | 2 |
Cranium Zigity | 3 |
Cribbage | 11 |
Cthulhu Rising | 1 |
Dino Dodg-Em | 1 |
Duo | 1 |
Earthquake | 1 |
Equals | 1 |
Farkel | 1 |
Fire and Ice | 3 |
Fist of Dragonstones | 1 |
Five Crowns | 3 |
For Sale | 3 |
Frog Juice | 3 |
Gang of Four | 11 |
Go Stop | 3 |
Gobblet | 1 |
Gold Digger | 1 |
Guillotine | 2 |
Hive | 1 |
Incan Gold | 1 |
Jumpin' Java | 1 |
King of the Beasts Mythological Edition | 3 |
Klunker | 1 |
kuuduk | 1 |
Labyrinth Card Game | 7 |
Lascaux | 1 |
Lost Cities | 1 |
Mall of Horror | 1 |
Math Dice | 1 |
Metro | 1 |
Mille Bornes | 3 |
Pecking Order | 2 |
Pepper | 1 |
Pivot | 1 |
Poison | 4 |
Quiddler | 21 |
Quo Vadis? | 1 |
Rage | 12 |
Raj | 5 |
Rumis | 1 |
San Juan | 3 |
Scopa | 2 |
Scrabble | 3 |
Shake | 2 |
Shazamm! | 1 |
Simply Catan | 1 |
Six | 2 |
Smart Mouth | 1 |
Snorta! | 1 |
Spy | 2 |
Stone Soup | 1 |
Terra Nova | 2 |
Thingamajig | 1 |
Tiki Topple | 4 |
Toss Up! | 1 |
TransAmerica | 4 |
Tsuro | 6 |
Turn The Tide | 2 |
ZÈRTZ | 1 |
Zeus on the Loose | 9 |
Zombie Fluxx | 2 |
SEE?! We played. And will continue to do so...
We'll decide what will be good day(s) for playing over the summer soon.
And we'll go back to actually logging what we play a smidge more often.
1 comment:
Strategy games, and other board games, are fun and educational for kids, family and friends. Generally simple to learn but challenging to master. Connect with friends and learn with board & strategy games!
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