Blog reports will be brief, but at least they will BE.

- Ashlei
- Ashley
- Cathy Willms
- Chris
- Eden
- Fenwick
- Jennifer
- Paul
- Stephanie
(Heath and Victoria were nearby, but didn't actually join in the gaming. We'll drag them in next week, for sure...)

- This is a new one for game club. It's meant for younger players, but it really adapts well to the skill of the group. You all begin in the corners of the board, and basically roll letter-dice and try to make words on the board and connect them to each other, Scrabble-style. First to get to the middle wins! Silly fun. But hey, it has WORDs and PIRATEs. Two of my favorite things in the wold...
- This is a simple dice game with push-your-luck elements. We like those (Can't Stop, Farkel, Cinq-O... we've played a bunch). In this game you each roll a starter die. Matches just get the points they rolled, then, started with the highest unique roll, bonus dice can be rolled for more points (or lose what they've earned by "crapping out" <-- actual terminology in the instructions). Only one person gets to roll the bonus dice, so there is some strategic decisions to be made ("Keep my big points, but maybe allow others to roll more, or RISK my big points to stick everyone else with a lower score.") This game is 77% chance, 22% decision, and 1% crippling frustration -- a perfect combo for a light filler game.
- Our favorite trick-taking game! We've played it a lot. It needs no intro...
- The taste of SHAKE still lingering in our mouths, we dragged out Farkel. Another classic game club entry -- roll dice for points. Keep some point-valued dice, and risk that much to roll more. Or keep what you've got. Lots of cheering, as always...
- It just wouldn't be game club without Quiddler. (OOH! Marsha Falco, Quiddler inventor, follows me on Twitter! Dang, I'm a geek.)
The gaming will continue... stay tuned. AND we'll be definitely be doing some recruiting when orientation comes around later in the summer... Cheers!
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