Meeting discussions....
- We lost our VP! Brian1 has left us to move on. Appropriately enough, Brian2decided he was interested. No one else expressed real interest, so Ashlei appointed him! Brian2 = Vice President of SGC.
- We need to have chonkeys this semester. The Welcome Back Bash is next Wednesday, so that was no good. Monday, February 9th looks to be the day! I shall have to put it on the calendar sidebar...
- We may try to get a group trip to a semi-local Scrabble Scramble. The Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County are having one on February 28th (see Literacy For for info!)...
And this all happened WHILE we played games...
Here's the stats for the day...

- Alicia (n)
- Brian2 (n)
- Cathy Willms (p)
- Dan (p)
- Eden (unsure of affiliation, but we'll tentatively say "p")
- Fenwick (p)
- Heather (p)
- Jennifer (p)
- Mike (p) <== Welcome!
- Nolan (n)
- Patrick (Bp)
- Sam (n)

- Beat the Buzzard
- Boggle
- Cartagena
- Quiddler
- Tiki Topple <== NEW GAME
- Tsuro (5 games!)
- Zeus on the Loose
- Zombie Fluxx

Some pics from Cartagena...

Some Quiddler highlights...
Sam had this (and, yes, if it looks upside down, that's because it is).

Heather came up with this. She suggested that Game Club could potentially be looking at a new name...

Mike, new guy, ran this 7-card gem...

Fenwick went with a western theme...

Tiki Topple is a new game to game club! It's a 'reorg the line to maximize your secret goal' style game. I guess the closest thing to that we've played in Guillotine... It's pretty cool, fast, and the bits are gorgeous. Check it out:

Tsuro is a game club classic.

Well, if there's no snow, we'll all gather on Wednesday!
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