The Players...
- AJ (?)
- Alex (n)
- Alicia (n)
- Ashlei (p)
- Ashley (n)
- Becky (p)
- Brad (n)
- Brian (n)
- Brian2 (n)
- Caleb (v)
- Can't-Stop (n)
- Carlo (n)
- Cengiz (p)
- Chris (p)
- Dan (n)
- Dylan (p)
- Eli (n)
- Fenwick (p)
- Harper-Dylan (p)
- Heather (v)
- Jay (p)
- Jeff (p)
- Jess (v)
- Joe (p)
- Krysta (p)
- Maxine (p)
- May (p)
- Patrick (p)
- Pete (p)
- Phil (v)
- Ryan (p)
- Sam (n)
- Sandy (v)
- Sean (p)
- Sergio (n)
- Steven (p)
- Victoria (n)
OK, that's 37 PEOPLE. THIRTY SEVEN! Not too shabby...
And now... the Games people played...
- Bull in a China Shop
- Citadels (3x)
- Cityscape
- Elk Fest
- Farkel
- Flea Circus
- For Sale
- Give me the Brain
- Go
- Great Dalmuti
- Igloo Pop
- Incan Gold
- King of the Beasts (3x)
- Lascaux
- Lost Cities
- Mall of Horror
- Man Bites Dog
- Pit
- Quiddler (6x)
- Rage
- Samurai
- San Juan
- Shear Panic
- Spacebeans
- Super Showdown
- Transamerica
- Treehouse
- Zombie Fluxx
And, if you count each game session, included repeated games, that comes out to 37 games, too! Amazing. Same as the number of players. And average of one game per player. COINCIDENCE?!?! Well, yeah. Of course it is.
And here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure...
WE HAVE A NEW SCORESHEET! I like it. Well, that's not saying much, I made it...

We had some themes...

(That was supposed to say "CONSTITUTION DAY". I can't spell.)
The game Aquarius. Look at all the colors, man. The colors. Whoa.

Brian2 had a blinky reflector to represent his ever-beating heart. Aw. (the camera makes the room look much darker than it was!)

Sam tried them on his eyes. Buggy.

Citadels has become quite popular...

Dylan introduced Ashlei to Go...

Harper-Dylan DESTROYED us in Igloo Pop.

Krysta and Ashlei worked on their Rubik's Cube solving skills. And they have those skills, let me assure you. Nothing near setting world records, but they can kick that cube's butt.

One of my all-time favorite bidding games: Lascaux. Cool art, awesome bits (get a bowl, trust me), painful decisions, lots of frustration and laughter.

Mall of Horror! Why are they all holding their voting discs and smiling...??

...oh, I see. I'm pretty sure the yellow player (I'm pretty sure it was Jeff) was thrown to the zombies after this vote. Looks like he even voted for HIMSELF.

Zombies win this room.

Ah, the random terms and phrases that come out of Quiddler...

Treehouse always makes for interesting arty photos with its pretty plastic bits...

TransAmerica. CLASSIC.

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