We're back. Old faces and new. Same old energy.
Here's the attendance list with their (pirate/ninja [possibly victim] affiliation):
- Ashlei (p)
- Ashley (n)
- Becky (p)
- Brad (p)
- Brian (n)
- Brian2 (n)
- Can't-Stop [aka Alex] (n)
- Carrie (p)
- Cengiz (p)
- Chris (n)
- Fenwick (p)
- Jess (v)
- Joe M. (p)
- Joe V. (p)
- Krysta (p)
- Paul (p)
And now the overview of games...
- Citadels
- Farkel
- Quiddler
- King of the Beasts
- Knights
- San Juan
- Settler of Catan (actually Simply Catan. Same thing, really.)
We had a theme day! It was "Gaming Royalty". The poster looked like this...

Since I am already a day behind on reporting, I'll try to make this one quick...
Ashlei and Fenwick played a game of Knights, a sort of Yahtzee with a twist. You have a set of dice to roll to try to capture castles, win tournaments, and get special powers in the game. It plays quickly, so it seemed like a good thing to bide the first few minutes as people arrived.
There are a few ways to win. One is to capture 4 different castles, which is what Ashlei managed to do for the win!
King of the Beasts
A very popular Game Club game involving politics and luck. It is a Rewiner Knizia, who is ever-popular in Game CLubs everywhere. We are all investing and voting for who will be the next King -- Fiery Salamanders, Manticores, Dragons, Gryphons, Krackens, and a remarkably beefy Unicorn are in the running, and the great art really helps to make this game one we play a lot.
Paul, Krysta, Becky, Ashlei, and Fenwick were playing. After all the intrigue, Becky managed to end up with the win!
San Juan
This has become the staple of game club. It really has every game mechanic we love most: role drafting, limited resources, building, tactic adaptation due to game randomness. It's all good.
Ashlei, Brad, Can't-Stop, and Fenwick embarked on a mission to build up San Juan. Fenwick managed to just squeeze out the victory over Brad's very close second.
A huge game of Quiddler ensued... Brian, Cengiz, Joe M., Brian2, Brad, Krysta, Chris, Ashley, Jess, and Joe V. got their wordsmithing muscles working.
I wouldn't be game club without a nice game of Quiddler. After this marathon session, Ashley managed the win!
With early observations, it looks like this may be our game of the year. Constantly requested over just two game days (remember, I'm a day behind...), I think this will remain popular throughout the semester.
Ashley, Brian, Joe, Brian2, and Cengiz went at it. Cengiz was the King for 94.2% of the game, but it was not enough to stop Brian, who managed to win with a respectable score of 37!
Settlers of Catan
Worldwide, it's the third best selling game of ALL TIME. You are not a gamer if you haven't tried this one. You don't need to like it, you just need to know it. We all, for the most part, like it.
Ashlei, Brian2, Cant-Stop, and Fenwick attacked the island of Catan.
Ashlei got to the 10 victory points first! (It should be noted that she got a buttload of help from Can't Stop... and BOTH Brian2 and Fenwick were most likely one turn away from winning. It was a close one.)
Nothing gets the blood going like a nice round of Farkel. Lots of cheering and coaxing of other players to risk their hides. It's the best thing to happen to six dice.
We were about to head out, but decided to finish off with a semi-game of Farkel (5000) points.
Ashlei, Brad, Krysta, Brian2, Carrie, Can't-Stop, and Fenwick were playing.
Ashlei wins! (Especially helpful was the fact that she had 3150 pts in her first roll...)
So it was a great first day. SIXTEEN players, some new, some old. It's good to be back. Stay tuned...

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