The players!
Ashlei (pirate)
Carlo (ninja)
Cathy Willms (pirate)
Chrissy (pirate)
Fenwick (pirate)
Phil (victim)
Sandy (victim)
Sean (pirate)
And now.... the games!
[2:00 pm]
Memoir '44
Players: Sean (p), Fenwick(p)
We decided to play the scenario #3: Sword Beach. Sean played as the Allies, and Fenwick as the Axis powers.
We hadn't played in a while so we did have to consult the rules a bit, and set up always takes a little bit, but we were up and running in about 10 minutes.

We were fairly well matched for the first 2 or 3 medals gained. Fenwick's ground power and bunkers were no match for Sean's swarms onto the beach.
Sean cleaned out Fenwick's right flank completely easily allowing him to take over the city Riva Bella for his 5th medal, and the win!
[3:00 pm]
TransAmerica (with Vexation expansion)
Players: Ashlei (p), Phil (v), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
We were about to start a game with 3, when Phil hopped over and asked to be included. We had not begun, so pieces were hurled at him, and we began a 4-player edition.
The Vexation rails always allow for some serious screwage, and the screwage was in full force in every round. No one was holding back or being subtle about messing up other people's routes. It was brutality on the rails!

It was semi-well balanced until the last round. Sean won, and won so nicely that he knocked EVERY other player completely off the board, for the closest thing to a shut-out win in TransAmerica you can get.
[3:55 pm]
Mall of Horror
Players: Ashlei (p), Carlo (n), Cathy W. (p), Chrissy (p), Sean (p)
Somehow, this game of Mall of Horror turned out to be duller than most, for some reason.
Actually, a little ways in Cathy decided she didn't want to play anymore, and sacrificed her girl in Megatoys, and Gun Guy in the restrooms.
Sean lost his Gun Guy in Cachou. I can't help but wonder how emasculating it would be to die in the sexy clothing store... He lost his Strong Dude in the restroom. Not sure if that's any better...
Cathy's Strong Man bites it in the Security Room.
Sean loses his girl in Megatoys... she turns into a zombie, and pops up in the Parking Lot!
Carlo's Gun Guy gets eaten in the Supermarket.

Chrissy had a bad round as her Gun Guy gets munched in the Parking Lot -- the still hungry Zombies move on to eat the girl belonging to her. Her Strong Man tries valiantly, but gets eaten, as well.
The end game is triggered!
(Somewhere in here, Ashlei's Gun Guy got eaten, but it wasn't precisely recorded...)
Carlo and Ashlei end with 12 points. Everyone else was completely devoured!
[5:30 pm]
10 Days in Europe
Players: Carlo (n), Ashlei (p)
Our classic touring of Europe game! I really need to get 10 Days in Africa, and 10 Days in Asia, too...

You just play until someone completes a trip, and Ashlei did it first!
If you would like to know her itinerary, check it out...
She started in Italy.
She walked to Slovenia. And hopped on a red plane.
That landed in Serbia & Montenegro.
She walked to Romania.
She continued walked through Moldova, onto the Ukraine, and into Belarus.
She finally took a yellow plane over to Austria.
Quite a vacation...
[5:30 pm]
Players: Cathy (p), Sean (p), Chrissy (p)
Diceland has become a regular staple for game club. And we scrounge dice from other games (mostly Dicey, and Dice Run), to up it from a two-player game to a MULTI-player game.

This was a fairly even battle. Each of them had 1 die left near the end!
Chrissy was eliminated, but Sean and Cathy were too far apart to encounter each other. They tie with one die left, and the same number of pips!

[6:30 pm]
Players: Chrissy (p), Cathy W. (p), Sean (p), Sandy (v), Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p)
Quiddler. Really that is all I should ever have to say at this point. Letters, cards, quickly played, simple rules -- gaming nirvana.
Here's how it ended...
Fenwick: 219
Cathy W: 221
Chrissy: 232
Sandy : 259
Ashlei: 264
Sean : 321
Sean won EASILY to finish out this game day...

("It's a series of tubes!")
I apologize for the awful Lollercatting by me. When I don't take pictures I gotta make up my own... thought I'd try something different...
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