Only a few players this week, but we are on break, and it was kind of an unannounced meeting. We got in a bunch o' games, though!
Annmarie (P)
Ashlei (P)
Don Phelps (P)
Fenwick (P)
Sean (P)
On to the games!
[1:40 pm]
Hey! That's MY Fish!
Players: Annmarie (P), Fenwick (P)

While I was waiting for people to show up, Annmarie had finished her lunch and asked for a quick game. She'd played ...Fish before, so it seemed like just the right game to play.
It actually stayed pretty even, both of us having room to move till close to the end.
Final score --
Annmarie: 44
Fenwick: 49
[1:55 pm]
Players: Annmarie (P), Fenwick (P)

Annmarie had time for one more, and I have been itching to play Zertz for a while, so I talked her into it. It's fairly simple -- add a marble to the board, and remove a space on the board, OR jump another piece, checkers-style, to capture it. There are 3 kinds of pieces: the rare whites, the less-rare grey, and the plentiful black.
Collecting 3 of each wins you the game, or 4 whites, or 5 greys, or 6 blacks will win.
Fenwick immediately got aggressive with the white pieces, scoring 3 rather quickly.
However, Annmarie was sneaking black pieces off the board, and she managed to get 6 of them before Fenwick managed to grab another white one! She wins...
[2:30 pm]
Players: Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)

This is a nice quick two player game involving placing tiles and dominating different zones. This first part of the game has you building the map, and placing farms to be the base of operations in phase two. Then, you spread out from your farms, trying to block off more territory than your opponent.
Ashlei had placed all four farms pretty early, and Fenwick managed to spread his out quite well. That, and some unfortunate mountain ranges pinched in ASh's farmlands.
Final score--
Ashlei: 12
Fenwick: 17
[3:30 pm]
Dragon Parade
Players: Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)

This is a new game to Game Club. It's a light filler game by Reiner Knizia. There is a board with a path in two halves. You play cards to move a dragon one way or the other along the path, and place a pawn somewhere on the path. This is done 3 times. You want your pieces to be as close as possible to the dragon.
There's a lot of luck involved, but you generally have a little control and idea as to the vicinity of the dragon. It plays quickly, and the bits are quite nice.
Final score --
Sean: 13
Fenwick: 13
Ashlei: 14
Ashlei wins! After the game she said, "Well, this game didn't suck as much as I thought it would."
[3:50 pm]
10 Days in Europe
Players: Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)

Classic Game Club fare here. We've always enjoyed the '10 Days...' games. I can't wait to try the newest one in Asia!
Anyway, this game is just played until someone completes a path through Europe... Ashlei was the first to do so, winning the game!
[4:12 pm]
Hollywood Blockbuster
Players: Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)

Another new one for the Game Club... and also a Reiner Knizia.
Each player is in control of a movie studio, bidding to get the best actors, directors, special effects, camera crew, and sound system for their movies.
It is really just an auction game, with the interesting aspect of the winning bid gets redistributed out to the losers of the bid.
There is an unnecessarily HUGE board where the tokens that are being bid upon are laid. The art work is cute, and the bits are all solid. No cards in this game, just cardboard chits in a variety of shapes and sizes (round numbers for scoring, odd-shaped bidding contracts, rectangular ones for the movie elements, and academy awards in stand-up bases).
The bidding can get rather ridiculous... especially since you know you can sit out a few turns and get some money back.
I found it to be quite enjoyable -- the race for the award of "Worst Movie" was pretty funny. Ashlei won that award, and that 10 points helped her a lot... Here's how turned out --
Fenwick: 78
Sean: 79
Ashlei: 85
[6:20 pm]
Players: Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Don Phelps (P), Fenwick (P)

This is one we drag out occassion. It is beautiful, and can really stretch your brain into painful knots.
It's a "fit your stuff on the board" game, much like Blokus... you want to get the most bits on the board, leaving the fewest stranded in front of you.
Here's how it ended --
Don P: 16
Ashlei: 11
Fenwick: 11
Sean: 10
Sean, who really doesn't like this game at all, wins!
[6:45 pm]
Players: Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)

Yay! Diceland! My favorite war-style dice fest! Plays quick and brutal, and is more tactical than it appears. We like adding other dice and other players. We grabbed the white dice from Dicey, making a very patriotic looking red-white-and-blue board.
Fenwick was eliminated rather early -- he had placed himself on the center of the board, making him the target of attacks by both Ashlei and Sean. They weren't ganging up on him, they just had NO CHOICE!
After he was cleared out of the center, Ashlei and Sean approached each other. Each hung back now and again to recharge a bit, but eventually, Sean emerged victorious, actually with 5 dice armies still on the board!
Small group today, but we played a bunch of games, even a couple new ones.
We shall continue to meet on Mondays through the break!! Come by...
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