The Players:
- Adam1 (victim)
- Adam2 (ninja)
- Alex (ninja)
- Andrea (pirate)
- Ashlei (pirate)
- Chrissy (pirate)
- David (ninja)
- Fenwick (pirate)
- Gordon (ninja)
- Jesse (ninja)
- Jon2 (ninja)
- Mike1 (pirate)
- Mike2 (pirate)
- Patrick (b.pirate)
- Paul (pirate)
- Rob (victim)
- Sam (ninja)
- Sean (pirate)
- Tim (victim)
- Trevor (pirate)
19 peoples!
The Games [(*) means NEW]:
- 10 Days in Europe
- Anathema (*)
- Can't Stop!
- Ca$h 'n' Gun$ (*)
- Cribbage (Saw it being played. Didn't get a record of it.)
- Diceland
- Kragmortha (*)
- Mall of Horror
- MixUp
- Quiddler
- Rumis (I saw people playing this, even though the results were not recorded! Oh, and at one point we needed to move their table, and totally crashed their pile before it was recorded. Sorry... I know I would be angry at that!)
- Spite & Malice
12 Games! But most of them were played MULTIPLE times... Good gaming.
1:25 pm
Players: Ashlei (p), Adam2 (n), Trevor (p), Fenwick (p)
This is a new one for game club, and is a fairly silly game. You are each goblins attempting to evade Rigor Mortis. You use cards to move around. If you are bumped into the bad dude, you get 'cursed', which physically changes you in some way. You might get Locked Elbow (you have to hold a card in you elbow pit), or Melted Arms (you have to hold a card between your forearms). It gets rather funny quickly... And the game is simple and fast. Wonderful artwork and bits. I can't wait to play it with the full complement of 8 people.

Ashlei wins! Triggered by Trevor losing. And Trevor was in lots and lots of arm pain, almost happy the game had ended...
1:55 pm
Players: Rob (v), Sean (p), Sam (n), Alex (n)
I see this game being played at nearly every game club, now that we've found it. It has a GREAT cross-style attraction -- great for strategy/war gamers, but also great for the light/quick gamers, as well. Yes, there's dice, so it has a luck factor that we often don't like, but it has just enough strategy to make it engaging. It's really 51% strategy, 49% luck -- if you play a large enough board, you can be reasonably sure the strategist will win. Tactical, strategical, tense, quick, and fun. (I don't care WHAT Tom Vasel says...)

3 games were played...
Scores... (winners in bold)
Game 1: Sean vs. Rob
Game 2: Sam vs. Sean
Game 3: Sam vs. Sean vs. Alex
3:15 pm
10 Days in Europe
Players: Andrea (p), Jesse (n), Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p)
This is a game club classic... geographic, simple, wonderful bits. It's definitely got a lot of what we need.

Ashlei finished her tour of Europe first!
3:35 pm
Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p), Andrea (p), Sean (p)
This a clever take on the Connect 4 game mechanic. Whenever you place a piece it may help your opponent... tricky. As tricky as rockin' a rhyme, rockin' a rhyme right on time. Tricky.
Four games were played with varius opponents...
Here's how it went... (winners, as usual, in bold)
Game 1: Ashlei vs. Fenwick
Game 2: Ashlei vs. Fenwick (and she realized she COULD have won, and blocked herself! Look below for the moons on a diagonal, blocked by a blue lightning bolt.)

Game 3: Andrea vs. Fenwick
Game 4: Andrea vs. Sean
3:50 pm
Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p)
Ashlei and Fenwick have grown quitye fond of this game. It's a new one, basically got for the approaching Halloween, since it is based on a theme of Salem Witch Trials. It is TOTALLY based on Scopa, which is played with Italian playing cards (they mention in the instructions that it is based on Casino -- which can ONLY be stolen from the older Scopa). BUT, it has some additional elements of being able to build on cards that make it just enough different that it is a wonderful game on its own.

We played two hands... at the end of it --
Ashlei: 8
Fenwick 17
3:54 pm
Mall of Horror
Players: Andrea (p), Adam1 (v), Gordon (n), Sean (p), Jesse (p), Fenwick (p)
This has QUICKLY turned into a game club classic. There are a bunch of steps to each turn, but, if you can step people through it, they can catch on, because everything makes sense. As much sense as a mall being invaded by zombies can make!!
Deal making, deal breaking, co-op, and screweage. You can't survive without cooperation, you can't win without betrayal. Great bits, clever play, unpredictable results. This is Game CLub Love.

It's getting ugly in here...
After the zombies have munched on enough of us to end the game, Sean wins with his FULL COMPLEMENT of 3 people (15 points). Jesse came in 2nd with 8 points. Fenwick came in 3rd with 7 points (just his pin-up girl). Everyone else was completely killed.
This is a wonderfully gruesome game.
6:00 pm
Players: Chrissy (p), Sean (p)
SEE?!?! Already a Game Club Classic! Played again already today!
Two more games were played...

Game 1: Sean vs. Chrissy
Game 2: Sean vs. Chrissy
6:40 pm
Can't Stop!
Players: Mike1 (p), Mike2 (p), Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p)
I usually hate dice games. But games like Can't Stop (and Diceland! See above!), have changed my mind at times. This wouldn't be a game I would play every day, but I can definitely be convinced to play it at almost any time.

You roll 4 dice -- break 'em into 2 groups of 2. Try to push your luck to claim that pair's total before others do.
Fenwick claimed 4.
THEN Fenwick claimed 12.
Mike2 got 11.
Ashlei got 5.
And then Ashlei got 9.
Fenwick got 7.
Since you need 3 of 'em to win... Fenwick wins!
7:35 pm
Ca$h 'n' Gun$
Players: Mike2 (p), Ashlei (p), Chrissy (p), Mike1 (p), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
Another one destined to be played to death. A great one to drag out near the end of Game Club when we need to get up and move around. Bonus, you get to pretend to shoot people.
All the playeres are gangsters who just returned from a heist. And now it's time to split the take. Each of you has a gun, and on a count of 3, everyone points a gun at another person. You have a little window of oppotunity to duck away from the guns (costing you $5000), but then the guns go off! Some are blanks, some are not. You get shot 3 times, and you're dead. You duck out or get shot, you miss out on that share of the booty. Richest survivor wins!

It has a lot of cool psycho-strategy...
Everyone got shot at least once, but everyone did survive the game.
Ashlei left with $30,000.
Mike1 had $55,000.
Chrissy had $60,000.
Fenwick had $65,000.
Mike2 had $70,000.
Sean won with $80,000!
A bunch of games were played with no time indicated... I'll just cram the results randomly in here...
Spite & Malice
Players: Adam1 (v), Gordon (n)
All I know is that Adam won...
Players: Adam2 (n), Ashlei (p), Alex (n), Trevor (p), Paul (p)
The out-of-context single entendre of the day goes to Ashlei during this game! Itwas: "Yours is longer than MINE?"
Trevor had to leave after the second hand. Then Adam2 had to leave, filled in by Fenwick. Then ALEX had to leave, and Paul sat in. Ashlei was the only player to have played the whole game. And she won with 310!
AND, during the 10th round she broke into a full-voice rendition of the Halleluia (sp?!) chorus!
10 Days in Europe
Players: Sean (p), Gordon (n), Chrissy (p), Fenwick (p)
Sean was itching to play one of his faves. And I was more than happy to bring this one out again today!
Gordon thought he won pretty early on. He was mistaken.
Gordon then thought he won AGAIN. Also: sadly mistaken.
Soon after, Sean thought, quite correctly, that he had won. Sean wins!
Players: Andrea (p), Jesse (n), David (n), Jon2 (n), Gordon (n), Tim (v)
Ah, the king of game club makes a return... good ol' Quiddler.
David wins with 204! The only score to break 200. (No offense to the scores, but I'm not sure if they played a full game...)
Players: Jesse (n), Gordon (n), Adam1 (v)
OK. I have NO IDEA what game I am reporting on here... Here's the scoresheet...

No time. Not a biggie, that happens all the time.
No date. OK, I could have figured out it was from this week's session.
NO GAME TITLE LISTED AT ALL. Hmm... This makes it rather tough to record the result.
I can only tell you that Adam did better at this mystery activity than the others....
I would love to play that mystery game. It looks like it could be fun.
I know! I'm hoping next week I get to play whatever it was...
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