This week's Players:
Ashlei (pirate)
Carlo (pirate)
Cathy Willms (pirate)
Chrissy (pirate)
Colin (ninja)
Faith (ninja)
Fenwick (pirate)
Gordon (ninja)
Jesse (ninja)
Joe (pirate)
Jon2 (ninja)
Mitesh (pirate)
Rich (ninja)
Sam (ninja)
Sandy (victim)
Sean (pirate)
Tim (victim)
Victoria (ninja)
We've been consolidating all the players at the top of each Blog entry for a while... We've never done it with games. Why? Don't know. I'm gonna start doing that now!
Games played list ((*) indicates a game new to the club):
Can't Stop
Castle Keep
For Sale
Mall of Horror (*)
Spite & Malice
And now for the details... They won't be too deep this week, again. We have lots of games to play -- better to play than waste time reporting on playing!
1:25 pm
Players: Sam (n), Joe (p), Victoria (n), Faith (n), Fenwick (p), Sean (p)
We played 2 games. The first one Sean was not in, the second Faith was not in.

Game 1 -- Fenwick caused the elimination of Faith first, Victoria eliminated EVERYONE else... she wins!
Game 2 -- Fenwick caused the elimination of everyone. He wins!
1:55 pm
Players: Sam (n), Joe (p), Victoria (n), Faith (n), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
Classic rail building. We need a speedy, speedy filler so we decided to play one round of TransAmerica...

That can't be good.
We played with the Vexation expansion, giving folks a few PRIVATE rails to put down. It definitely makes for more of an effort and a challenge -- we ALMOST ran out of black rails to play!
Briefly, Sean won!
2:30 pm
Mall of Horror
Players: Ashlei (replaced by Rich) (p), Sam (n), Joe (p), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
New to game club! As soon as we saw this one we KNEW we would like it. Let's see, there's zombies, backstabbing, zombies, secret decision making, and zombies.
I thought there was going to be a lot more backtabbing, but we were all pretty cordial, except by necessity. I mean, a zombie gotta eat...

At the end, Sean, Fenwick, and Sam were the only survivors -- Sam had 5 points worth of characters left, Sean and Fenwick each had 7 to tie for the win!
3:50 pm
Players: Sam (n), Sean (p), Chrissy (p), Cathy (p)
This is an old classic filler for game club. It's kind of a simple game, but nifty in that the game sort of changes -- sometimes a word game, sometimes a math game, sometimes a matching game. Even though it's simple the variety is kind of sweet. The plastic cards are kind of clever, also.

Two games were played...
Both were won by Sam.
4:30 pm
Players: Rich (n), Sam (n), Sean (p), Sandy (v), Tim (v)
CLASSIC Game Club stuff. The pretty Tetris-like pieces are super-attractive. Very cool game. Simple, sturdy, and satisfying. Most of us like this a lot.
Two games were played... Tim joined in game 2.
Sean won both games.
4:30 pm
Players: Joe (p), Chrissy (p), Jon2 (n), Fenwick (p)
This is a fairly rare game, with simple rules, and wickedly nice strategy. Every one pile on your friends! And use them to leapfrog forward. Cool abstract strategy, with a different feel than any other game we play.

Jon2 was convinced that he was going to lose near the beginning of the game. He was so incorrect... Jon2 wins!
4:35 pm
For Sale
Players: Mitesh (p), Joe (p), Chrissy (p), Jon2 (n), Fenwick (p)
For Sale is swiftly becoming a Game Club regular. It's easy to learn, plays quick, and has decisions which are effected by everyone else's decision -- lots of psycho-strategy.

We played 2 rounds.
Chrissy won round 1 with $62,000.
Mitesh won round 2 with $54,000.
Overall, Chrissy won the game with $111,000!
5:10 pm
Can't Stop
Players: Cathy (p), Chrissy (p), Fenwick (p), Jon2 (n), Sean (p)
Ah, Sid Sackson's classic dice press-your-luck game: Can't Stop! Another short learning curve...
There was some musical chairs during this game. Chrissy had to run out quick, and Sean sat in. Then Jon2 wussed out of the game and CHRISSY sat in for HIM.

The changes didn't really matter... Cathy Willms won fairly easily!
5:20 pm
Castle Keep
Players: Rich (n), Tim (v), Sean (p), Sandy (v)
I would never have imagined this would be so popular... I chucked it into the Game Club bag o' games a few weeks back as just something different. It got played, and gets pulled out nearly every week!

One game was played. Tim won.
5:55 pm
Spite & Malice
Players: Cathy (p), Mitesh (p), Joe (p), Colin (n)
If Cathy's in attendance, at some point Spite & Malice will be suggested. If she can get 4 players, the team version will be played. This is exactly what happened this week!

The teams: Joe/Colin v. Mitesh/Cathy.
The Joe/Colin team wins!
6:10 pm
Players: Fenwick (p), Patrick (bp), Chrissy (p), Sandy/Sean (v)
Simple tile laying, route building, subway riding goodness. Not very deep, but will fill the time nicely. There's both intentional and unintentional screwage involved...

Final scores --
Sandy/Sean: 48
Patrick: 48
Chrissy: 56
Fenwick: 65
Players: Gordon (n), Jon2 (n), Tim (v), Jesse (n)
It wouldn't be a Game Club meeting without a game of Quiddler!

I can't read the score sheet, but it is prominently displayed to be Gordon. I will assume that is the case...
7:15 pm
Mall of Horror
Players: Chrissy/Carlo/Fenwick (p), Gordon (n), Ashlei (p), Mitesh (p), Joe (p), Sean (p)
Folks were begging to go back to another Mall of Horror session... so we did!
Quote of the day: Carlo's girl character was alone in the Parking Lot. Two zombies were there. He had no weapons. I said, "That zombie thinks your girl looks delicious!" Carlo replied, "Well, yeah. I'd eat her!" We laughed and laughed.

When the mall is being overrun with zombies, the Parking Lot is rarely a safe place to be. I don't know if a "Hidden" card is going to even help this dude.
Four players made it to the end -- Chrissy/Carlo/Fenwick, Mitesh, Joe, and Ashlei.
Ashlei had 12 points worth of characters left to win!
Another good day. 18 players. 17 games played. New faces, new games... Game Club marches on!
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