Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why am I Such a Dork?

Hey Gamers and Game Fans!
This is Ashlei, your new CCM SGC blogger.
Or Secretary for those who want the position to sound more prestigious.

Speaking of Club Officers -
The New and Returning Officers for Summer and Fall '07 are:
President - TJ (for his third term)
Vice President - Sean (returning from hiatus)
Blogger/Secretary - Ashlei (me. a-duh!)
Treasurer - Mike 1 (for his third term)

Also, we will be saying goodbye to some of our favorite and most frequent gamers who will be leaving us at the end of the Summer. As a last hurrah of sorts, for those not returning, Game Club will be hosting a picnic at Hedden Park on Sunday, June 10th. The picnic starts around 2:30 and anyone who enjoys games is invited!

As the new blogger I hope to make the updates a more regular thing. By the end of every semester they seem to have dwindled down to nothing, understandably so, as we are all college students (except for Chris). This semester that won't be happening. I assure you that every game that is logged will be blogged (haha, I crack myself up)! But seriously, as long as some sort of score sheet is used the information will be posted!

Now on to the gaming!
Game Date - June 4th, 2007

Players That Day:
Ashlei (Pirate)
Clare (Pirate)
Fenwick (Pirate)
Mike 1 (Pirate)
Gayer Patrick (Ninja)
Sam (Ninja)
Sean (Pirate)

10 Days in Europe

Players: Sean, Mike 1

Fenwick was supposed to play a game with Mike 1 and Sean but ended up picking up Ashlei from the train station. (what a freeloader!) So, the other two boys decided to play a few games of 10 Days. This is how it went:

Mike wins game 1, Sean Game 2 and 3. Sean wins overall.

Pirates win this game!


: Sean, Fenwick, Ashlei, Mike 1, Sam

Sam showed up about the same time as Fenwick and Ashlei so it was decided that they would all play a 5 player game. China was agreed upon as the next game. We ended up playing the game wrong (which is not uncommon, especially with newer games) by going through the deck of cards three times instead of two. None the less it was a fun game.

Scores: Sean wins with 94, Mike 1 - 67, Ashlei - 63, Fenwick - 47, Sam - 23

Another win for the Pirates!


Players: Ashlei, Mike 1, Sam, Sean, Fenwick

TransAmerica is a game often played in our club. Its a quick and easy game which was exactly what we needed because Sam had to leave for work shortly after China was finished. Some humor ensued when Sean and Fenwick did the Hungry Chicken and then C ock Fight (something that used to regularly occur at SGC) causing Ashlei to ask, "What ever happened to that?" Sean replied, "I still do it with my mom." Everyone chuckled and Fenwick shuddered while saying "Ew".

Scores: In the first round, Fenwick connected all of his destinations first. Sean moved 5 spaces down the track, starting him off in last place, Ashlei and Sam moved down 2 spaces, and Mike 1 went 1 space.
Mike 1 completed round two, Sean stayed in last moving down 2 spaces, Ashlei and Fenwick went 3 each, and Sam went 1.
The next round was completed by Fenwick (again - yes he is good at this game), Sean didn't better his standings when he moved down 3, Ashlei and Mike 1 went 2, and Sam went 5.
The fourth round was the last one because Sam had to go. Finally, Sean completed first, Mike 1 and Sam went 4, Ashlei went 2, and Fenwick went 1.

The Final Standings were:
Sam loses by moving 12 spaces down the track, Sean - 10, Ashlei - 9, Mike 1 - 7, and Fenwick wins with 4.

Pirates win a third one!

Settlers of Catan (The Great River Expansion)

Players: Ashlei, Sean, Fenwick

After TransAmerica, Sam left for work and Mike 1 had to take care of Because Settlers is best when played with only 3 people, Ashlei recommended playing a game with Sean and Fenwick. As soon as they finished setting up the board Patrick and Clare arrived. Clare wanted to get in on the game but Ashlei was so determined to have it played with three people (although she showed it subtly) that Clare and Patrick decided to play a game of Quiddler.

Scores: In the Great River expansion you get pieces of gold for building roads and settlements along the river tiles. For every three gold the player has they get one victory point to add to the other victory points they have gained throughout the game.
Ashlei gained 2 victory points by obtaining 6 gold. Chris and Sean each recieved 1 victory point by obtaining 3 gold each.
Despite Ashlei having gained the most victory points with gold she ended up losing the game.
In the end Sean won with 10 points - 2 points each for longest road and largest army, 1 victory point for having a library (by development card), 1 victory point for each of his four settlements, and his gold victory point previously mentioned, Fenwick came in second with 6 victory points - 3 for settlements, 2 development cards: a university and a chapel, and his gold victory point, Ashlei lost with 4 victory points - her 2 gold victory points and the 2 settlements that each player starts the game with (pathetic!)

Pirates get their fourth win!


Players: Gayer Patrick, Clare

As previously stated Patrick and Clare came in at the start of Settlers so their game of Quiddler was played at the same time. Also - two girls came over and played Hey! Thats My Fish! by themselves.

Scores: I would like to point out that Patrick is lacking in addition skills as he wrote that Clare had 204 points. (probably for an ego boost). None the less Patrick wins with 255, and Clare had 245 points.

Ninjas first and only win of the day came from this game!


Players: Fenwick, Ashlei, Clare, Gayer Patrick, Sean

Once again we needed a game that five people would be able to play Cartagena is easy to learn and is quick paced with painful decisions throughout the entire game. It is easily one of Ashlei's favorites. Sean said in beginning of game: "Oh he's gonna win" when Fenwick decided to go first. Also, the only reason I have listed Patrick as Gayer Patrick throughout this blog is because of his over the top reaction when I wrote it on the score sheet. Originally, I had no intention of posting it on the blog but he was so adament about me taking it off the sheet and even ripped the paper out of my hand. Lessons: Don't mess with the chick doing the blog. Also, don't take eveything so seriously. Sheesh!

Scores: Clare wa sthe first to get one of her men on the boat. Unfortunately it was the only one of hers that made it there. Fenwick got the second man on the boat and he and Ashlei went back and forth putting guys on until they had two each. Patrick got his first and only guy on (the 6th one), Sean was the last to get his first guy on. Then Fenwick got his third, Sean got the next two, and Chris ended the game by getting his last three on the boat. Chris won with all of his six guys on the boat, Sean came in second with 3, Ashlei third with 2, and Clare and Patrick both shared in the shame of losing the game.

One of the greatest rewards of victory in this game is being the one to push the boat away from the prison and making boat sounds. Fenwick took it a step further. He decided to play a fun game of throw everyone off the boat and having one of his guys flip the bird pirate style. One of Sean's guys came back as a zombie. There were guns and headshots. It was glorious mayhem!

Pirates, again! WOOP WOOP!

In between Cartagena and our next game Patrick was reading a headline that was on the news playing in the student center saying, "Sex with a Lawmaker". In an odd coincidence both Ashlei and Fenwick heard, "Sex with a Llama".

King of Beasts

Players: Fenwick, Ashlei, Clare, Gayer Patrick

Another quick and easy game to play and learn (although Patrick had some trouble keeping the steps in the right order). At some point Clare said, "But I want squids" in the most defeated tone ever that it instantly became the Quote of the Day.

Scores: Ashlei wins with 24, Clare - 21, Fenwick - 15, Pat - 12
I'll put the details up later.

Pirates again (see a pattern anyone?)

4000 A.D.

Players: Sean, Fenwick, Ashlei

This was the last official game of the night. It was long but fun (unlike Starfarers of Catan; different night, ask Ashlei, Fen or Sean).

Scores: Basically if everyone loses their home planet to another person the game ends. Ashlei owned Fenwick, Sean owned Ashlei, and Fenwick owned Sean. To win at this point the amount of planets each person owns is counted up. Ashlei had 6, Fenwick had 4, and Sean lost with only one planet (Ashlei's home). It must be mentioned that Sean had the greatest fleet at one point (I'm not sure of he had the greatest n the end or if Fen did), so there was basically a mutually assured destruction between Fenwick and Sean.

Pirates get another!!

At the end of the night the wins were:
Pirates: 7 - Ninjas: 1

After Club Gaming -
Game: Spy
Players: Fenwick, Ashlei
Scores: Fenwick got rid of all tiles. Ashlei had 2.

This still needs a bit more updating but the posting has been postponed way too long!

1 comment:

Chris said...

And the award for the most detailed session report in over a year goes to.... Ashlei. Thanks for updating!