Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another week of gaming

Hello!!!! How is everyone doing today? Once again, Chris was nice enough to type up some of the gaming info, so, here it is...

Great day of gaming: FOUR GAME TABLES GOING AT ONCE!!

The attendance list of players:

AJ (P)

Ashlei (P)

Christine (P)

Fenwick (P)

Heather (P)

Kaylin (N)

Kevin (P)

Mike2 (P)

Patrick (N)

Patrick (P)

Rich (N)

Sam (NINJA. Seriously.)

Sean (P)

TJ (N)

Here's some of the stuff that went down:


Players: Kaylin (N), Patrick (N)

Score: Kaylin wins this speedy game.

Ticket to Ride

Players: Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)

Score: Fenwick had 88 points. Ashlei had 100 points, and the 10 point long train bonus. With 110 points, Ashlei wins!


Players: Ashlei (P), Christine (P), Patrick (P), Fenwick (P)

Score: This game is scored by length of cardboard you collect during the game. Long bits are bad... Patrick had the longest bits, Fenwick was next. Ashlei had smaller bits, but it was Christine who ended up winning, by about a millimeter. Christine wins!


Players: Ashlei (P), Christine (P), Patrick (P), Fenwick (P), Kevin (P)

Score: We only got in 2 games. Game one was a long one -- Ashlei won that one! The second was shorter, and Kevin managed to win, before he had to head off to work.


Players: TJ (N), Patrick (P), AJ (P), Patrick (N), Sean (P)

Score: OK, a LOT of games were played. Not surprising, since the game lasts about a minute.... Here's the run down:

Game 1 - TJ

Game 2 - TJ

Game 3 - TJ

Game 4 - TJ

Game 5 - TJ

Game 6 - TJ

Game 7 - TJ

Game 8 - TJ

Game 9 - TJ

Game 10 - TJ

Game 11 - TJ

Game 12 - TJ

Game 13 - Patrick (N)

Game 14 - Patrick (P)

Game 15 - Patrick (N)

Game 16 - Patrick (P)

Game 17 - Sean

Game 18 - Sean

Game 19 - Sean

Everyone note what Chris said:

The comment on the sheet is: "A game of speed.... is it any wonder the ninja triumphed?" Not sure who wrote it. Probably a ninja, though I didn't know they were literate.


Ninjas are so above that. I won’t take the bait and stoop to his level.

The Great Dalmuti

Players: Kaylin (N), Heather (P), TJ (N), Mike2 (P)

Score: The first 2 rounds had Kaylin as the Great Dalmuti, and the next 5 had TJ leading the pack. TJ's Great Dalmutihood definitely indicates him as a winner. In this game. For now. Stinking Ninja.

My comments: More proof that Ninjas rule.


Players: Heather (P), Kaylin (N)

Score: One round. Kaylin wins!


Players: Kaylin (ninja), Heather (PIRATE!), Sean (PIRATE!)

Score: Heather had 4 on the boat. Sean had 5. Kaylin got her 6 on the boat first, for the win! That’s because Ninjas are way more stealthy and skilled than Pirates.

Zeus on the Loose

Players: Mike2 (P), Angie (N), Sam (NINJA. Seriously.), Rich (N), Heather (P), Pat ((B)P)

Score: 5 rounds were played!!

Round 1: Heather

Round 2: Pat

Round 3: Heather

Round 4: Sam

Round 5: Mike2

Quote on the page: "Sam is a Ninja…because I said so…because I am a bitch." -- Angie

Word Rummy

Players: Sean (P), Fenwick (P), Cathy Willms (P)

Score: Fenwick had 110 points. Sean was dominating most of the game and had 269. Cathy Willms nearly doubled her score on her last hand, coming from behind and winning with 305 points!! Boo ya!!


Players: Sam (Ninja. SERIOUSLY.), Sean (P), Angie (N)

Score: Angie had 223. Sean had 231. Sam the Ninja had 236! And won!

But, according to the score sheet comment section: "Sam is retarded." Cuz he is. Really…Ninja or not…he is. >D


Players: Chris (P), Ashlei (P), Alyssa (P), Chrissy (P), Cathy Willms (P)

Score: After a few rounds -- Ashlei had 7 points. Chrissy and Cathy had 2. Alyssa had 1. Fenwick had 18! But only because he cheats off of everyone else.

Engel & Bengel

Players: Mike2 (P), Rich (N), Heather (P)

Score: The scores were not accurately recorded, but it was clear that Heather won the game!

Power Grid

Players: Kaylin (N), Sean (P), Mike1 (P)

Score: Mike1 triggered end game with 20 cities... Mike1 and Sean managed to power 13 cities in that final round. Kaylin powered 17 – Kaylin, and remember she is a NINJA, wins!!


Players: Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P), Kevin (P), Christine (P), Heather (P), Patrick ((B)P), Mike2 (P)

Score: Heather had 43. Mike2 had 46. Ashlei had 58. Christine had 60. Kevin had 94. Patrick had 98. Fenwick WON THE GAME with 107!!


Ninjas win


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