Thursday, October 19, 2006

You might be a Game Geek...

(I stole the funny part of this off It's too good/appropriate to not post.) is a web site that sells one (1) product per day. That's it. It's different all the time. Could be a tool, could be a game, could be ANYTHING. But you have one (1) day in order to buy it. You miss it, too bad. They are pretty laid back folks, and usually there's fun product descriptions. ALSO, they have a little daily diversion -- a little puzzle per day.

ANYWAY, A few days back they were selling copies of the game Alhambra. It's a glorious game that I wished we played more. As part of their sales pitch, they included the following... slightly reworded and obfuscated. (It helps if you read it in a Foxworthy-esque drawl...)

You ever wonder if you're a Game Geek? You just might be... here are some warning signs...

If you stay up all night long to find out what the current year's Spiel de Jahres is, you might be a game geek.

If you actually KNOW what Spiel de Jahres is, you might be a game geek.

If you take copious notes of every game you've played, who won and what the score was – for the past 10 years, you might be a game geek.

If you start chuckling whenever you hear the phrase "Got wood for sheep?", you might be a game geek.

If Alhambra (or Carcassonne) is something you play, and not an incredible tourist attraction, you might be a game geek.

If you buy multiple copies of a game so that you can pass it on to posterity, you might be a game geek.

If Ra is your God and Essen is your Mecca, you might be a game geek!

I think we could come up with a few of our own...

If you were asked to make a list of celebrities and 'Reiner Knizia', 'Alan Moon', 'Bruno Faidutti', 'Klaus Teuber', or 'Klaus-Jurgen Wrede' are included, you might be a Game Geek.

If you don't like the city of Medford, Oregon, you might be a Game Geek.

If you have earned any amount of Board Game Geek Gold, you are certainly a Game Geek.

I'm sure other game clubbers can come up with better ones...

And lastly: Erik/Molly/Patrick -- have fun at Ubercon!! You suck. OK, not really... We're all just jealous, and expect a full report on Tuesday.

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