Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A couple quick games to get the semester started.

Hey there!

A new semester has begun, and the Strategic Gaming Club is going to continue! Today I (Chris) bumped into Cathy and she twisted my arm very hard to get in a quick game or two.

First we played some Cribbage. I don't like playing regular card games, in general, but the strategy and variety of game play in Cribbage makes it a wonderful game. The two parts of each round, and the luck of the crib make every hand feel fresh. It's a great blend of luck and strategy -- with just enough on the strategy end that you can actually be pretty good at the game.

Then we went on to play some Spite & Malice. This is one that I mentioned to Cathy a while back, and she's been itching to play. It's really just a slight variant of Skip-Bo, with clever artwork, and some nifty, nasty tricks involved. I actually like it better than Skip-Bo, which to me felt like a two player game of solitaire the first few times I played it. I've warmed to it a little more since then, but still think Spite & Malice has a little more variety of play.

I failed to keep track of how many times each of us won, but I think it was a pretty even match-up.

These couple games have really made me ready for another semester of solid gaming. And the official start date is Monday, January 23rd!

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