Monday, November 28, 2005

The Buzzard gets Beaten

A 4-player game of Beat the Buzzard ensued -- it was the 2nd game played on November 28. Manny, Prof. Cathy Willms, Jake, and Chris played.

We've played this before (see below), and it's always a fun time. It's really a simple game to play, with some psychological strategy that can make your head hurt.

We actually ended the first round with 2 pairs of tied bid cards -- the "-2" card didn't score during the first round. We had a bunch of ties, and actually had a full four-way tie at least one other time. The tied cards are what makes the game both fun and frustrating at the same time.

Here's how the game went down:

Beat the Buzzard Scores
First roundJake15Cathy13Chris11Manny3
Second roundChris20Jake18Cathy1Manny1
Third roundCathy23Chris17Jake9Manny-9
Fourth roundCathy20Chris15Jake3Manny2

1 comment:

Chris said...

Beat the Buzzard rocks!