We played a buncha games! Here's the list...

- Alex
- Ashlei
- Ashley
- Brad
- Brian
- Brian2
- C.T. (that's Caleb...)
- Cathy Willms
- Cengiz
- Dan
- Fenwick
- Harper-Dylan
- Jeff
- Jess
- Kerry
- Krysta
- May
- Pat
- Phil
- Sara
- Tyler

- Boggle
- Bunches of people flowed in and out of the game of Boggle. It was brought out because of a special request by Cathy Willms, and she was the one that played the whole time. We didn't record scores, we'll just say that everyone was a winner!
- Citadels
- Dan, Brian2, and Fenwick played a three player game. In that, we play as 2 roles each. We played with all the Dark City expansions, and they involve a lot of screwage. It was pretty fun. Dan was the first to go out, and had the multi-color bonus, which was plenty enough to give him the edge. Dan wins!
- First of DragonstOnes
- Ah, bidding heaven. Cengiz was saving up for the card that would give him 2 points for the win. But Ashley was lurking, waiting to pounce on the card that would give her the win. And she got it! Ashley wins!
- Gang of Four
- Cengiz, Ashley, Brian, and Fenwick played. Brian started out slow, but took over the game pretty furiously, and dominated most of the game. Fenwick never had too bad of a hand, and managed to keep his score low. Fenwick wins.
- Incan Gold
- Caleb, Dan, and Fenwick played. Caleb was in the last dungeon alone. He waited one turn to long, and was killed. If he had left, he would have one. But he was crushed, and Fenwick wins!
- Another, much larger game was played later. We had Sara, Alex, Brian2, C.T., Kerry, Fenwick, and Phil playing... points are hard to come by in a 7-player game of I.G. With 20 points, Fenwick wins!
- King of the Beasts
- Sara, Alex, Brian2, Kerry, and Fenwick engaged in the political frenzy to find a king for the beasts. We played 5 rounds (one for each of us!). Sara started strong and held her lead throughout. Sara wins!
- Quiddler
- Jess, Brad, Pat, Ashley, and Krysta played. The game ended a little early due to folks running off to class, but most of the game got done. Pat wins!
- Brian2, Fenwick, and Sara played a game of Quiddler later. Fenwick wins (though was one point away from breaking the elusive 300...)!
- Slush Fund
- Brian2, Alex, Sara, and Fenwick decided to bribe politicians! Slush Fund is a fun way to do just that. Alex invested in the president a lot, but 5 scandals rocked his administration, and he was impeached. Fenwick managed to outbribe two of the remaining politicians for the win!
More games Monday!!
(I believe the theme will be magical...)
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