And we played games! Here's the who and the what...

- Ashlei
- Ashley
- Brian1
- Brian2
- Can't Stop
- Cengiz
- Clavus
- Crystal
- Dan
- Eden
- Fenwick
- Harper-Dylan
- Joe
- Kaitlyn
- Krysta
- May
- Paul
- Peter
- Phil
- Tyler
- Victoria

- 8 1/2
- This is a game in the vein of Palace, and Pig Pile, but stripped down a little bit to add more luck than strategy. After the recommended six rounds, with 10 points, Cengiz wins!
- Incan Gold
- Dan, Clavus, Brian1, and Fenwick played the first round. Brian1 spent some time alone in a temple, and managed to get one gem more than Clavus. In round 1 Brian1 wins!
- Eden pinched hit for Brian1, and a second round was played. Both Fenwick and Calus ended up with nothing! With 28 gems this time, Dan wins!
- King's Gate
- This is one of Reiner Knizia's surround-to-win games. I like it quite a bit. It's sort of a square version of Samurai, which is one of my ultimate faves. Fenwick and Clavus played. It's a 10-round game, and Clavus won EVERY one. With 42 points, Clavus wins!
- Lotus
- This is a tactical little race game that I adore. We had 4 people playing, Fenwick, Brian2, Ashlei, and Dan (although, strangely, Phil was also listed on the score sheet). Dan just sat on top of everyone the whole time. He easily dominated the whole game so no one was surprised, when, in getting all six of his pieces off the board, Dan wins!
- Mission: Red Planet
- I know Fenwick, Phil, Brian2, and Can't Stop played Mission: Red Planet, but I can't find the score sheet! I know Brian2 got killed a LOT. I'm pretty sure Can't Stop won, but I don't remember for sure...
- Quiddler
- QUIDDLER? At Game Club? Oh, yeah. Victoria, May, Kaitlyn, and Peter played. It was Pete's first game, so of course, with 233 points, Peter wins!
- Another game of Quiddler was played. This had Patrick, Ashlei, Julia, Brian2, Ashley, and Jess. They only played to the 7-card round, and at that point, with 151, Julia wins!
- Rage
- 6 people got together for Rage... Ashlei, Krysta, Paul, Ashley, Crystal (later, Harper-Dylan tagged in for her), and Brian 2. After the 10 rounds, with 52 points, Ashley wins!
- Swoggle
- Two rounds were played between Crystal, Tyler, Joe, and Cengiz. In round 1, with 104 points, Joe wins!
- In round 2, with 137 points, Cengiz wins!
- Ta Yu
- A beautiful, tactical game. With 4 players, (which we had), you play on 2 teams of two. The teams were Can't-Stop/Brian2 and Ashlei/Fenwick. Ashlei/Fenwick just could NOT catch a break. Can't-Stop/Brian thwarted every possible good move by Ashlei/Fenwick. They only had 9 points at the end. With TWENTY EIGHT points, Can't-Stop/Brian2 wins!

8 1/2

Incan Gold

King's Gate


Mission: Red Planet

Ta Yu

We'll be back next week with more games...