I just sat down to put in the Blog, and now I can't find the log sheets to record our scores. Yikes.
So! ...here's some pictures until I find them!! (Probably floating around my apartment. Or in one of the game sacs. Or in my car. Or with someone else. Or lost in another dimension. Or temporarily disintegrated into the ether waiting for a sorceror or alchemist to come up with a way to reintegrate the molecules. It could be any of those.)

We advertised our Pirate Day Celebration!

If you won a game you got a piece of gold! (Warning: small pieces. Not intended for children who still put things in their mouths.)

Nick and Chris thought it was DRESS like a pirate day. And we were all VERY happy to see it. GAR!

Sandy stole Nick's hat at one point...

We had a good crowd! Oh, and see that tray of cookies?? We TOTALLY pillaged that!

And here we are again.
We did play some Pirateer...

And we played some Tongiaki...

Loot was played. Of course.

Cartagena. Duh. Pirate day. Had to play it.

Rich got some guys on the boat QUICKLY. As soon as Fenwick got there, he took them hostage. What a piratey thing to do...

Rich won. As he pulled away from port, some pirates fell off. He didn't even go back to get 'em. What a ninja-ey thing to do...
Things... Humour in a box. We added 'pirate' to every category.

It does make a mess of paper.
Elk Fest. NOT a pirate game. But one they would play, for sure.

I'm guessing a pirate won this one...

I KNOW a Pirate won this one. Her name is Ashlei. You can see her in this picture, if you look closely...
Pirates rule.
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