Friday, September 28, 2007


As of Tuesday morning when we added Trampelfanten and ASAP to the list of games... We have officially played 150 DIFFERENT GAMES in Game Club!


And there's PLENTY more to be played... stay tuned!

Especially since I just bought like a dozen more. Stupid Game-a-thon...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tuesday morning...

What is this? A Tuesday morning?!

Well, in Fenwick's office was Ashlei and Jen. And two games got played. Let's see, an officer, two other folks, and games played. Crikey, it's a meeting!!

[9:39 AM]


Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p), Jen (p)

Eright, this game is really for kids, but there is a smidge of strategy. The strategy is more of a press-your-luck variety... but it's basically a roll the dice and move your piece. You always play with a full set of bits... you have non-player characters on the board. Unlike MOST pathway games, the goal of this game is to be the LAST one on the board. That is, unless the the last is an NPC. In this case you want to have been the FIRST off the board. It's actually a complicated (almost Reiner-esque) win condition for a kids' game!

Ashlei actually got off the board first. Fenwick left somewhere in the middle (no chance of winning there). Jen and an NPC were at the finish line...

If Jen went off first, Ashlei would win. If the NPC went off first, Jen would win.

Pictured below is an illustration showing Jen (in Purple) remaining on the board.

Jen wins!

[9:30 AM]


Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p), Jen (p)

This is sort of like Scattergories on speed... a category card gets flipped along with a card showing a letter. First one to call out something in that category that starts with that letter gets the letter card representing a point. Very simple, very quick, kinda silly.

After running through the deck once, Ashlei had 12 points. Chris had 9. Jen had 2.

Ashlei wins!

And thus ends our super-duper-mini meeting.

And the game goes on...

In attendance this week...

Adam2 (n)
Alex (n)
Ashlei (p)
Christine (p)
Dave (n)
Don Phelps (p)
Fenwick (p)
Gordon (n)
Heather (p)
Jesse (n)
Mike2 (p)
Paul (p)
Rich (n)
Sam (n)
Sandy (v)
Sean (p)
Tim (v)
TJ (n)

Nineteen people in attendance again! Seems like the going amount this semester. Don't get me wrong, it's a GOOD amount. I like that amount.

On to the meeting minutes for this week. We have the coolest minutes of any group on campus. I think we have to be the only group whose minutes include ACTION photos of the meeting itself... descriptions will be a little short this week. Not getting lazy, we just had 2 meetings last week, and we have the Welcome Back Bash tomorrow, and I really don't want the Blog to get behind!

1:27 pm

Elk Fest

Players: Gordon (n), Trevor (p)

A new faver in the club... a lunchroom, tabletop, dexterity game involving moose, rocks, and islands. How awesome is that? Quite awesome, let me tell you.

In the foreground there is cake. Campus Life donated a big cake to the Game Club cause. I think it lasted 12 minutes.

Three games were played. Gordon won game 1. Gordon won game 2. Game 3 was OH SO CLOSE -- and Gordon won that, also.

I guess we'll give this round to... ummm... let's see... after totalling up the scores... carrying the seven.... dividing by the square root of the hypotneuse... I'll say GORDON.

1:30 pm


Players: Sean (p), Fenwick (p)

It's Quiddler. Have you seen this blog? We play it every week. AT LEAST ONCE -- usually more.

Not much else to say.

Sean had 298. Fenwick had 326 for the win.

2:00 pm


Players: Adam2 (n), Alex (n), Sean (p), Trevor (p), Gordon (n), Fenwick (p)

We play this for a quick, light piece of filler as needed. Cards are played. They have colors and numbers. Those things matter, to some extent. I know you won't be able to play the game with just that description, but just know that it is about as simple as Uno -- except you get to pick who goes next -- play jumps around, which gives it just enough of a twist for us to like it.

Adam2 managed to go out first. Fenwick went out next, and we tried to see who came in 3rd, 4th, etc., but cards were chucked around for another 10 minutes or so, and then the game was retired.

Adam2 wins!

2:25 pm

Ave Caesar

Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p), Sean (p), Christine (p), Jesse (n), Sam (n)

As soon as the game was suggested, Sam stated, "Oh, man. If we play this game, I am going to have to stab someone in the eye."

That green dude way in the back was Sam. He spent a lot of time there.

It can be an effort in frustration, and Sam actually ended up getting the worst of it in this game...

It's a chariot race! In violent ancient Rome! Of course it's going to be nasty and vicious and loaded with screwage! There are few rules, it plays fast, and you get to make peoples' lives miserable at least a few times in the game. This was MADE for our game club!

That green dude way in the back was Sam. He spent a lot of time there.

It's 4 races. Sean won the first. Ashlei won the second. Fenwick won the last two...

Final scores --
Sam: 1
Jesse: 8
Christine: 10
Sean: 14
Ashlei: 14
Fenwick: 17

At one point Jesse, who is new to game club, asked as we were writing stuff down (He's quoted as saying about Sam at one point: "He's gonna get stuck on the next round, too. This is freakin' great!!") and taking pictures, "Why are we writing all this stuff down?" "For the website!" we gleefully told him.

"Oh, crap. There's a WEBSITE?!" he said.


That green dude way in the back was Sam. He spent a lot of time there.

Sam did get the shaft for much of the game. He came in last in each race except for race 2, where he came in second-to-last. On the last race, he didn't even have enough cards to FINISH, coming short by one space.

Also: hilarious.

That green dude way in the back was Sam. He spent a lot of time there. (This is the part where he didn't even have enough cards to finish.)

I guess we probably won't be able to convince Sam to play this game again any time soon...

3:05 pm

Elk Fest

Players: Paul (p), TJ (n), Dave (n)

Yes! Back to Elk Fest! Awesome goodness.

TJ had a little bit of time, and it's his fave, so it got pulled out.

Six games were played... (winners are in bold)

Game 1: TJ vs. Paul
Game 2: TJ vs. Paul
Game 3: Paul vs. Dave
Game 4: Dave vs. Paul
Game 5: TJ vs. Dave
Game 6: TJ vs. Dave

TJ remains UNDEFEATED at Elk Fest...

4:15 pm


Players: Christine (p), Adam2 (n), Gordon (n), Rich (n), Paul (p)

Yes! Back to Quiddler! Awesome goodness. (I wonder if we're falling into a rut...)

Sam and Heather started in the game, but they had to bail out about 1/2 way through. Actually, on the official score card it states that "Heather drunk some grog and passed out." I don't remember there being grog at this game club meeting...

Anyway, here's the scores --
Christine: 173
Adam2: 184
Paul: 184
Rich: 210
Gordon: 273

Gordon wins! He is the Leader of Letters. The Captain of Consonants. The Victor of Vowels. The Archduke of the Alphabet.

4:40 pm

Villa Paletti

Players: Sandy (v), Fenwick (p), Sean (p)

This is a great little strategic stacking game. It's one we've had kicking around for a while, and get's pulled out semi-regularly. It really satisfies the little-boy urges of building with blocks and then knocking it all down!

We played three games.

Game 1: Sandy knocked the tower down. Basic Fenwick dared her too and she fell for it. (Sorry, Sandy. :P ) NOBODY officially wins, but we'll give Sean credit because he was the last to successfully place a piece.

Game 2: Sandy knocked the tower down. "Pachoom!" ( <== that's from the score sheet) Sean wins.

Game 3: Sandy knocked the tower down. (thank goodness for ctrl-C, ctrl-V, cuz typing "Sandy knocked the tower down." over and over was getting tiring! Sorry, Sandy, again. :P ) Sean wins.

Sean gets credit for winning 'em all!

5:10 pm


Players: Don Phelps (p), Fenwick (p)

Fenwick ran over to the Campus Life office and dragged Don out for a few minutes of Hive-ing. I'm not sure why I like this game, since I usually lose horribly.

Three games were played... (winners are in bold)
Game 1: Don P. vs. Fenwick
Game 2: Fenwick vs. Don P.
Game 3: Don P. vs. Fenwick

Don wins 2 outta three...


6:00 pm

Players: Paul (p), Christine (p), Rich (n), TJ (n)

Pirate game! Sail to Treasure Island! Grab the booty! Don't get plundered! Rock and roll...

TJ managed to completely eliminate Christine. Eliminated. Dead. Destroyed. Annhilated. Gone. Defunct. You get the idea...

Rich escaped with a plundered fleet stack of 3 red/white, 1 black, 2 green, and the 3 purple ships destroyed by TJ (see above).

Rich made it back to port with the booty. Rich wins!!


6:20 pm

Players: Tim (v), Paul (p), Christine (p), Ashlei (p)

Another game of Pirateer was played with different buccaneers...

Paul killed a Tim. Tim killed a Paul right back.
Ash killed a Christine. Christine killed an Ash right back.
Paul kills a Christine.
Ash kills a Paul.
Tim kills that Ash...

...takes the booty...

... and makes it back to port! Tim wins!!

6:40 pm

Ticket to Ride

Players: Ashlei (p), Sean (p), Christine (p)

Seans been itching to play this game again for a while. We actually hadn't been bringing it for a few weeks (it's a big heavy box!)... but we threw it in this week just in case. It's a good thing!

This is a highly ranked game on Board Game Geek (it comes in around 40th)! We have played it for a while, as well as a couple other versions and expansions. This particular game was the original Ticket to Ride with the 1910 expansion.

Christine had 74.
Ashlei (with a +10 longest train bonus) had 145.
Sean (with a +15 globetrotter bonus) had 152.

Sean wins!

6:50 pm

Incan Gold

Players: Tim (v), Mike2 (p), Paul (p), Fenwick (p)

I think this has come out every game day since it was introduced this summer. Great bits. Easy to learn. Quick to play. (You hear that a lot on this web site...)

Fenwick had 29. Paul had 30.

Mike2 and Time both TIED with 34 points... We've played I.G. a lot, I think this is the first tie game.

7:14 pm

Great Dalmuti

Players: Dave (n), Tim (v), Mike2 (p), Paul(p), Fenwick (p)

This has been a Game Club staple since near the beginning... Good one to finish off the day. It's a nice one because you can play it for as short or as long as possible. And it has good tension and fun... And you switch seats each hand!

We assign values to the positions you have to sit in... Great Dalmuti is 1 point, Lesser Dalmuti is 2, etc...

So, it's golf-score style -- lower score is better.

Mike2 had 24.
Tim had 20.
Paul had 12.
Dave had 10.
Fenwick had 9.

Fenwick wins!

Pirates rule.

Monday, September 24, 2007

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

OK... We celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day. We played just Pirate games. Well, one NON-pirate themed game, but we altered it to be pirate-y. OK, and one OTHER non-pirate themed one, that we didn't even try to make pirate-like.

I just sat down to put in the Blog, and now I can't find the log sheets to record our scores. Yikes.

So!'s some pictures until I find them!! (Probably floating around my apartment. Or in one of the game sacs. Or in my car. Or with someone else. Or lost in another dimension. Or temporarily disintegrated into the ether waiting for a sorceror or alchemist to come up with a way to reintegrate the molecules. It could be any of those.)

We advertised our Pirate Day Celebration!

If you won a game you got a piece of gold! (Warning: small pieces. Not intended for children who still put things in their mouths.)

Nick and Chris thought it was DRESS like a pirate day. And we were all VERY happy to see it. GAR!

Sandy stole Nick's hat at one point...

We had a good crowd! Oh, and see that tray of cookies?? We TOTALLY pillaged that!

And here we are again.

We did play some Pirateer...

And we played some Tongiaki...

Loot was played. Of course.

Cartagena. Duh. Pirate day. Had to play it.

Rich got some guys on the boat QUICKLY. As soon as Fenwick got there, he took them hostage. What a piratey thing to do...

Rich won. As he pulled away from port, some pirates fell off. He didn't even go back to get 'em. What a ninja-ey thing to do...

Things... Humour in a box. We added 'pirate' to every category.

It does make a mess of paper.

Elk Fest. NOT a pirate game. But one they would play, for sure.

I'm guessing a pirate won this one...

I KNOW a Pirate won this one. Her name is Ashlei. You can see her in this picture, if you look closely...

Pirates rule.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Onward! Games ho!

And so it goes. Games, games, games.

Captain Condom (victim) <--- I have no idea WHO that is! Not even sure if he's real!
Cathy Willms (pirate)
Chrissy (pirate)
Dave (ninja)
Don Phelps (pirate)
Faith (ninja)
Fenwick (pirate)
Gordon (ninja)
Joe (pirate)
Mike (pirate)
Mitesh (pirate)
Nolan (ninja)
Paul (ninja)
Sam (ninja)
Sean (pirate)
Tim (victim)
TJ (ninja)
Victoria (ninja)

19 people!! And let's look at this week's breakdown: Ninjas = 8. Pirates = 9. Victims = 2.

My camera is still broken, so the images are still quite random. Try to find the connection to the game!! Ooh, it's a puzzle. I think Ashlei took some, so we might get some more relevant ones up later...

[2:10 pm]

Cartagena 2: The Pirates Nest

Players: Sean (p), Ashlei (p), Nolan (n), Fenwick (p)

Removes some of the simplicity of the first version, which was some of its charm. I do like it, but the flow is somewhat interrupted by the boat passage. It seemed a LOT harder to play catch up -- it seemed likely to have a runaway winner with no chance of even coming close to catching up (this will be proven when we discuss the results in a moment...). I would guess we'll play Cart I a LOT more.

Ashlei really hated it. Specifically, she said that "this boat #*@%ing sucks."

Nolan got all six of his pirates to the nest, but didn't have any action points to raise the flag for the win. It's quite alright -- he was comfortably winning. After the flag was raised, he had all 6 of his in, Chris had 2 in, Sean had 1 in, Ash had 1 in, too.

[3:00 pm]


Players: Dave (n), Fenwick (p), Sean (p)

This is an old game club standard when we need a filler. Simple greater-than/less-than up/down game mechanic. Plays quick. Simple. Lot of luck, but you can try to plan ahead some... hey, it's better than Uno!

Dave won 4 games.
Sean won 3 games.
Fenwick won only 1 game.

[3:30 pm]

Castle Keep

Players: Dave (n), Sean (p), Fenwick (p), Gordon (n)

Another new game for game club. It's a Gamewright game. It's an american company that makes good games, which is unfortunately rather rare. Their games are ALWAYS of very high quality and rich in theme. Many of their games are for younger kids, but even the ones for youth can mostly be enjoyably played by anyone. This one kind of falls into the middle of their range... We've played other Gamewright games: Loot, Maya Madness, Zeus on the Loose, Frog Juice (love that one) -- all very cool games. Turn the Tide is theirs, too, which I think is one of the most challenging bidding games I have ever played with one of the cutest themes (Sheep getting flooded!) I have ever seen.

This one has a castle seige theme... you need to build your castle, and try to destroy your opponents' castle. It's basically a matching kind of game -- silly fun, and with high potential for screwage. This is game club gold.

"Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"

We played 3 games. Sean won the first 2. Dave won the 3rd. Fenwick and Gordon didn't win at all.

[3:40 pm]


Players: Paul (n), Sam (n)

Sam brought Paul to have some fun, which was awesome -- New player!

Cartagena is a good intro game... it's basically Candyland for adults.

Sam got all 6 of his dudes on the boat while Paul only got 3.

Pirates. NOT known for subtlety.

[4:00 pm]

Great Dalmuti

Players: Dave (n), Gordon (n), Faith (n), Victoria (n), Captian Condom (v)

The quote of the day comes from Tim, who, right before this game began declared: "Does my banana offend you?"

Somewhere in the middle of Game Club, almost always gets a call for Dalmuti. It's simple and has a lot of tension, and causes everyone to get up and move between each hand of play, great to prevent blood clots in the leg!

This was a rather rowdy game of G.D., and actually no score was even recorded. They played for about half hour, and then the game sort of petered out... Not sure who won.

We did have to remind folks of the number 1 rule of game club: "We are here to play games. We are NOT here to have fun."

[4:10 pm]


Players: Don Phelps (p), Fenwick (p), Sean (p), TJ (n)

FOUR players are listed for a TWO player game. Whassup with dat? Of course, we rotated... Although it has been suggested that getting two sets, and putting dots on one set to indicate a difference, and playing a FOUR PLAYER game of hive can be rather ridiculous. I can only imagine.

Anyway.... here's how it went:

(Bold indicates winner)
Game one: Phelps vs. Fenwick
Game two: Phelps vs. Fenwick
Game three: Phelps vs. Sean [DRAW!]
Game four: Phelps vs. Sean [DRAW!]
Game five: Phelps vs. Sean [DRAW!]
Game six: Sean vs. TJ

Yes. You read correctly. Don Phelps and Sean had THREE tied games in a row. It was madness. Sheer, unadulterated madness.

[4:30 pm]


Players: Ashlei (p), Fenwick (p)

Simple play. Great bits. All sorts of screwage. The mechanic of some of the card BACKS indicating when to switch the polarity of the circuits makes me very happy. You can see what the next cards will be, and know whether it will be a switch. And then you have to decide whether or not to pick it, or let your opponent have that chance. Painful choice sometimes.

The game goes quick, and has an air of games like Knizia's Poison and Figaro, where you don't want to push a total up too far. The device here is different, but it feels like I'm using the exact same brain cells. It's actually a lot more like Heave Ho! in game play. But I DEFINITELY like this better.

For a game by Mattel, this is tremendous. I hope this is successful and they make more games like this. Definitely has a much more Euro feel than I expected.

Simple card playing game -- if a row has a +, you need to overload the circuit (have higher valued cards), if it has a -, you need to 'underload' the circuit (have a lower value). You just need to get to 4 points to win the game. SO, there is some really good tension... the game stays close throughout.

Ashlei won, 4 to 3.

[4:45 pm]

Elk Fest

Players: TJ (n), Fenwick (p), Ashlei (p), Gordon (n)

This is a dexterity game where you flick 'stones' to allow your moose to get across a 'river'. It is definitely reminiscent of high school cafeteria tabletop games involving quarters and paper footballs.

The bits are remarkable. The gameplay is OBVIOUS -- just one look at the bits, and you know how to play. The laughter is non-stop. It's amazing how much you have to adapt to how your opponent plays. I hate to attribute any kind of strategy to a game based on FLICKING, but it sneaks in.

If you want just plain fun... join the Elk Fest. Best moose party in town.

Fenwick played Ashlei. ASHLEI won.
Fenwick played TJ. TJ won.
TJ played Gordon. TJ won.
TJ played a bunch of other people, too, I think. I remember seeing games going on which we failed to record. TJ WON THEM ALL.

TJ said, "I am pretty sure I will never play any other game. EVER." (I think he liked it.)

[5:30 pm]

Ave Caesar

Players: Sam (n), Paul (n), Fenwick (p), Cathy W. (p), Chrissy (p), TJ (n)/(replaced by Sean (p) after Race 1)

Another new game! OUR FIFTH one this game day. O, glorious day!

This is a crazy chariot race. Another simple, almost obvious game play -- we each have a deck of cards with numbers (1 to 6). Play a card, move than many spaces. The track expands and contracts, and bottleneck points can cause congestion. Knowing when to hang back and then burst forward is key. VERY fun. Playing with all six players is just amazing. The bits are wonderful. I wish the smallest spaces on the track were big enough to fit the chariots; some are not. I know the ones in front of Caesar are there to pay tribute, so we turn the chariot sideways and wave to him, but some on the track are too small to fit the bits. BESIDES THAT (and that is a TINY little criticism) the game has basically no flaws. Quick to learn, quick to play, often painful, lots of screwage. Perfect.

A full game is 4 races, each one running about 15 minutes...

The race results were (listed in order from winner to loser)...
Race one: Sam, TJ, Chrissy, Cathy, Paul, Fenwick
Race two: Cathy, Chrissy, Sean, Sam, Paul, Fenwick
Race three: Sean, Sam, Fenwick, Cathy, Chrissy, Paul
Race four: Paul, Fenwick, Sean, Cathy. Both Sam and Chrissy were blocked from Caesar's Tribute, and were disqualified.

Final scores...
TJ/Sean: 16
Cathy: 12
Sam: 12
Chrissy: 8
Paul: 8
Fenwick: 7

Hmmm. We've been trying to think of good life-sized games for the Welcome Back Bash next week... Ave Caesar, perhaps?!?! Man, that looks so awesome.

[6:18 pm]

Incan Gold

Players: Victoria (n), Joe (p), Mitesh (p), Faith (n), Gordon (n), Mike (p), Tim (v)

Incan Gold has been played nearly every game club since being introduced! It's a fun simple one, and a great one to finish off game day. Lots of laughs, and a cool Indiana Jones-style theme of tomb raiding...

They played 3 games...

Game one: Victoria wins!
Game two: Victoria wins!
Game three: Mitesh wins with ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE gems! (I didn't even know that was POSSIBLE!)

Bunches of new games, and bunches of new people. It was a good, good day as usual.


Pirates rule.