For this last meeting of the summer we had the following in attendance:
Ashlei (pirate)
Brian (pirate)
Jon (ninja)
Mike1 (pirate)
Mike2 (pirate)
Rachael (pirate)
Sean (pirate)
Victoria (ninja)
And we did play a bunch o' games. Here's the proof...
[1:20 pm]
Players: Mike1, Rachael, Jon

They only played through 3 rounds of the game, but we'll still quickly log it here...
Rachael won with 51 points. Mike1 had 38, and Jon had 30.
[1:40 pm]
Players: Mike2 (p), Rachael (p), Sean (p), Mike1 (p)
Ah, 4 pirates playing a pirate game. Glorious.
Rachael "left with out us", and got all her dudes on the boat!
Sean "just missed the boat", with 2 guys left behind.
Mike1 "was hanging out in the middle", with 3 guys left behind.
And, Mike2 "had 2 guys still at the beginning", and also had 3 left behind.
Rachael wins!

To celebrate the win, pirates usually do this to a ninja. GAR!
[2:20 pm]
The Great Dalmuti
Players: Mike1 (p), Victoria (n), Mike2 (p), Rachael (p), Brian (p), Fenwick (p), Sean (p)
With 7 people here, we needed to whip out a big group game. Most likely that turns out to be The Great Dalmuti.
We played 5 rounds. Mike1 was the Great Dalmuti for FOUR of them. Sean was Lesser Dalmuti for three. Mike2 and Rachael dominated the bottom of the barrel, both being Greater Peon twice and Lesser Peon once.
We'll have to give this game to Mike1.

The Great Dalmuti should always wear smart headgear of some kind.
[3:15 pm]
Incan Gold
Players: Rachael (p), Fenwick (p), Brian (p), Mike2 (p), Mike1 (p), Sean (p)
Ah, the adventure is always grand, searching for Incan Gold in the deep, dark, scary, ancient temple.
With 6 players, the treasure is scarce, and the competition is brutal! Here's how the loot collection went:
Fenwick ended with 39, Sean had 32, Mike2 had 20, Rachael had 16, Mike1 had 14, and Brian had 13.
In the last temple, Fenwick managed to head out with the 4th artifact all by himself grabbing 10 extra points -- enough to get him the lead. If anyone else had left at the same time as him, he would not have one. Close game!

When entering the Incan Gold temple, it's usually a good idea to send in your assistant first... Look out for those spiders!
[3:50 pm]
King of the Beasts
Players: Mike2 (p), Sean (p), Rachael (p), Fenwick (p)

Since I first brought this to game club, it has come out quite regularly. Most of us can't figure out why... I think probably because it is a quick one, and we are all always surprised at how many, or few, points we are getting at the end of each round! Also, the artwork is quite nice.
We played 2 rounds.
Fenwick ended with 12 points, Mike2 had 11, and Sean and Rachael each had 10. Fenwick wins! (I think for possibly the first time ever at KotB!)
[4:17 pm]
Players: Fenwick (p), Mike2 (p), Sean (p), Rachael (p)

Another Game Club regular... TransAmerica. Sean really was interested in playing a rail game, and this was the only one we brought with us this week. So we played!
Rachael fell of first, losing the game and triggering its end.
Sean was down to 2.
Mike2 was at 7...
But Fenwick was still at 9 points for the win!
[5:20 pm]
Mission: Red Planet
Players: Ashlei (p), Mike2 (p), Sean (p), Rachael (p), Fenwick (p)
This is a relatively new game. It's one we've been itching to play for a couple weeks. In terms of bits, this is one of the greatest I have ever seen. The little discs that represent astronauts are the only thing that is not spectacular. They work just fine, but it might be nice if they were a little more representative of an astronaut. That just might clutter things up, though.

In Mission: Red Planet you're off to be the first miners and settlers to Mars. It might help to ask a friend to help you move.
The game play feels like some other games pasted together. It's got an almost Citadels-style character selection at the beginning of each turn. It's got a Tongiaki-style launching mechanism that causes you and others to be transported. It's got a population domination element that is in many other games. But they all fit together well. And the old-style sci-fi theme and styling is super-original and clever.

And, for the icing, there is that slight bit of screwage available. We always appreciate that in Game Club.
Rachael ended with 46. Sean had 44, Fenwick had 43, Ashlei had 42, and Mike2 had only 11.
Rachael wins! Which is sort of poetic -- it was her last game of the summer, and is now off to Florida!
So, the summer has been a huge success... we were the only club to meet ALL SUMMER LONG!
The semester should bring some real fun. We have plans. Will we implement them? Probably not all of them, but I bet we get a BUNCH done. Stay tuned.
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