The players:
Fenwick (pirate)
Rachael (pirate)
Sean (pirate)
I think the Pirate team has it all wrapped up today!
[1:17 pm]
Players: Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
Ah. The old standard. Quiddler comes out often, and we pulled it out to get things started while waiting to see if anyone else was going to arrive.

Fenwick had a good 7-card/9-letter word!
Scores: Sean - 317. Fenwick - 288. And Fenwick was leading every hand, except for the last 2... Sean had the comeback of the week!
[2:00 pm]
Power Grid
Players: Rachael (p), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
"OK. Welcome to POWER GRID!"
This was how Sean began the game... It's a game he likes to play, but it usually takes work to convince me to play. But I hadn't run through a game in a while, so I figured I'd do it. It's strange because I just about always do quite well at Power Grid, but for some reason I don't find it very engaging.

Sort of unrelated to the game, Rachael had a Ziploc (r) bag of Cheez-its (r) that had been cooking in the heat of her car for a couple days. FYI: Cheezits CAN go bad. And when they do, get them as far away as possible. The funky taste of nasty Cheezits will linger with you. It's like coating your tongue with formaldehyde. Blick.

Fenwick triggered endgame buy building a 20th building. At that point...
Sean (p) had built 11 buildings and had $112. He had the capacity to power 19 buildings. He was able to power all 11.
Rachael (p) had built 18 buildings and had $139. She had the capacity to power 16 building, and she did succeed in powering all 16, leaving 2 of her buildings unpowered.
Fenwick (p) had built 20 buildings (you heard that already) and had $190. He had the capacity to power 18 of them, and successfully did so.
Powering 18 buildings gives Fenwick the win... Sean could power more, but just hadn't built the buildings to do it. To be fair, he started on the west coast, which gave him a SEVERE monetary hurdle to overcome.
[3:35 pm]
Players: Sean (p), Fenwick (p), Rachael (p)
This is a clever little set collection game by Reiner Knizia. The twist is that every time someone makes a set, the next set has to be a bit larger. So the game definitely gets harder as you go along...
There is a mechanism in the game to keep track of the size of the sets -- whenever you make a set of a certain type, you put a token(s) on a card that represents it. The next set has to be greater than the number of tokens. First one to get rid of his/her tokens wins the game.
First round: Rachael won, leaving Sean with 2 tokens, and Fenwick with 3.
Second round: Sean won, leaving both Rachael and Fenwick with 1 token each.
If you sun up the number of tokens left, Rachael takes the total win for this game with only 1 token total.
[4:00 pm]
Players: Rachael (p), Sean (p), Fenwick (p)
We finished off the day with TransAmerica. It's a quick, fun one.

First round: Fenwick won -- Rachael lost 2 and Sean lost 3.
Second round: Sean won -- Fenwick lost 1, and Rachael lost EIGHT!!
Third round: Sean won, again -- Rachael lost 1, and Fenwick lost 2.
Fourth and final round: Fenwick won -- Sean lost 2, and Rachael lost 3.
That put Rachael off the board.
Fenwick still had 9 points, Sean was down to 7, so Fenwick wins.
Sure it was a small group, and a short day, but it was good fun, as always.
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