I know Angie (and the rest of us!) has been busy, so I figured I'd just throw the game session up on my own... hope that's OK! You can kick the snot out of me later, if I've over stepped my bounds here... :)
We were thrilled to have some old friends come by and join us. Nick and his Dad Chris stumbled over us playing games last semester, and the game day schedule has made it impossible for them to attend. Due to the post-Easter school closings, they could make it! AND they brought snacks. We're big on snacks.
Players of the day:
Ashlei (P)
Chris (P)
Christine (P)
Fenwick (P)
Josh (P)
Mike2 (P)
Nick (P)
Rich (N)
Sean (P)

Players: Mike2 (P), Ashlei (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: Sean won with 128. Next was Mike2 with 111, then Fenwick with 108, and Ashlei had 103.
Pirates rock.

Players: Fenwick (P), Sean (P)
Score: Fenwick ended with 318, and Sean had 285.
Another pirate rockage.

Players: Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Score: Ashlei won with 570, apparently since she is self-diagnosed as 'awesome'. Fenwick had 505.
Pirates. Pirates. Go Pirates.

Players: Chris (P), Rich (N), Nick (P), Fenwick (P)
During this game we got the Quote Of The Week!! It was said by Nick.... and it went like this: "I wanna take the loopy way to doom!" We laughed and laughed.
Score: We played two games. It should be noted that Rich, the only Ninja in the game, was killed in one turn in game 1. In that game, Fenwick survived last. In the second game, Fenwick and Chris got themselves caught in a corner, and the only way out was for them both to die simultaneously... they're both Pirates, so that should be a problem in the final tally at the end of the semester.
Two wins for Pirates!!

Players: Fenwick (P), Mike2 (P), Christine (P), Josh (P), Rich (N), Ashlei (P)
Score: Fenwick made it over 30 points first -- winning with 31. The other scores were: Ashlei-24, Josh-22, Mike2-16, Christine-13, and Rich-12.

Players: Nick (P), Chris (P), Sean (P), Fenwick (P)
Score: It was, as usual, a rather cutthroat game. Example: Nick took 2 laurels from his Dad to move Ceasar and just took the money and stiffed him. It was a pretty funny thing to do to someone who can ground you.
Nick headed right for the Senate, and got in quick, sacrificing points for speed along the way.
The laurel totals at the end were thus: Sean - 27. Nick - 16, Chris - 15, Fenwick - 15. Unfortunately, Sean and Fenwick were shut out of the Senate, so they could not compete for the win. Nick's speed pays off!! He wins.
Pirates. Need I say more?
Other games were played, but I have no idea where the sheets are, or if they were even filled out!! I figured I'd at least post what I had, since we've been kind of lacking in posting lately....
Late add-on: WE FOUND ONE OF THE LOST SCORE SHEETS!! This was the last game played...
Players: TJ (N), Sean (P), Nick (P), Chris (P)
Scores: Nick had 240 for the win! Then TJ with 213, Chris with 207, and Sean with 182. At this point, Game Club was forcibly removed from the Student Center since it was closing. Game Club closed campus! Nice.
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