Our first Ice Cream fueled game day was accompanied by a snow storm. In April. Crazy storm. Snow, slush and rain. Roads were flooded. They talked about closing the school since bunches of people couldn't get there due to flooded roads and such. School did not close, and even though it was near a blizzard, boatloads of ice cream were devoured.

But we're about the games, really. And we played those, too.
Today's Players:
Alyssa (P)
Ashlei (P)
Celeste (Zombie)
Chrissy (P)
Christine (P)
Dan (P)
Dave (N)
Fenwick (P)
Jason (N)
Jess (P)
Josh (P)
Mike2 (P)
Patrick (bP)
Patrick (Wookie)
Penguinface [that's Kaylin] (Wookie)
Phil (n/a)
Sean (P)
We had a good showing. We had a bunch of new people, as well as some blasts from the past.
Today's games....

Players: Phil (n/a), Josh (P), Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)

Scores: Josh had the most pieces on the board, winning with only 6 remaining. Phil had 9 left, Ashlei had 11, and Fenwick had 18.
While we were playing, someone walked by with a t-shirt which read "To err is human, to arr is pirate." It made many of us happy.

Players: Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: This is a fun little game, that is sort of like reverse-Scrabble. You find words, and pull them OFF the board. Fenwick edged it out with 234 points. Ashlei had 227.

Players: Dave (N), Fenwick (P), Jess (P), Celeste (Zombie)
Scores: This is one of Dave's favorite games, and he hasn't played much this semester. So when I saw him drifting by, I pointed out that we had brought the game! The game has all sorts of shapes that you make lines of to get points. You each have a Scrabble-style rack of tiles. When Celeste first set up her tiles she looked at them in frustration and said, "I can't spell ANYTHING with these!" It was pretty funny. Maybe you had to be there....
Dave ended up winning before we filled the board by clearing his entire score board! I don't think I've ever seen the game won in this fashion.

Players: Jason (N), Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: Ashlei was off the board first! Jason had just one to go, and Fenwick still had three pieces left to go....

Players: Jason (N), Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: Ashlei and Fenwick tied for the win with 5 points each, and Jason came close next with 4.

Players: Jason (N), Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: OK, OK. We KNOW this game is supposed to be for little kids, but we like it nonetheless... Ashlei won soundly -- she had collected ALL 8 of her cards, and Fenwick had only gotten 3, and Jason only had 2.

Players: Sean (P), Mike2 (P) [replaced by Patrick (bP)], Penguinface [that's Kaylin] (Wookie), Josh (P), Patrick (Wookie), Dan (P)
Scores: Actually the scores were rather hard to read of the record sheet. All I can tell is that, according to the sheet, "Kaylin wins! but also cheats...." Not sure how we'll record this one...
Players: Rob (n/a), Suzanne (N), Mike1 (P)
Scores: Two games were played... Mike1 won game1 with 12 points, and Rob won game 2 with just 6 points.

Players: Patrick (bP), Ashlei (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: We played two rounds... Patrick lost the first and got 10 points, Ashlei knocked it down the second time and had to eat 25 points. Then Fenwick bailed... I suppose he won (weird typing that since that is me).

Players: Mike1 (P), Suzanne (N), Rob (n/a)
Scores: Three games were played... Mike1 won 2 of them, and Suzanne won 1.
Players: Alyssa (P), Chrissy (P), Fenwick (P), Patrick (N)
Scores: Fenwick had the most fish (he blocked off a big ol' island for himself!) with 32. Patrick had 22. Chrissy had 20. Alyssa had 19.
Players: Alyssa (P), Chrissy (P), Fenwick (P), Patrick (N)
Scores: Chrissy got the treasure first. Fenwick quickly captured it. Patrick took one of ALyssa's ships, and she immediately took one of his in return. Chrissy did take out one of Fenwick's ships, but not the treasure one. Fenwick returned to port and won the game! Chrissy did note at one point: "I wanna kill somebody." Spoken like a true pirate.
Players: Christine (P), Mike2 (P), Fenwick (P), Sean (P)
Scores: Sean won easily with 291. Christine had 239. Fenwick had 226. Mike2 had 215.
Players: Sean (P), Christine (P), Fenwick (P)
Scores: Christine won. You can win by either getting 5 different colored stones, 4 of the SAME colored stones, or 7 stones in total. Christine simultaneously got 4 stones of the same color AND 7 stones at the same time... Nicely won.
And we all went home sick from overeating ice cream. They were putting away the ice cream, and we were just snacking on the toppings.