Friday, February 09, 2007

Better Late Than Never!

Hello hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been a little bit crazy (for example, my mom borrowed my camera and I didn't have any pictures to post. Yay mom! I love you mommy!!). I don't have all the gaming information for the past few weeks yet, but I'm working on it! Okay, first things first:

We will be celebrating that day as

Also, Kaylin has been kind enough to make us score sheets, so make sure you keep track of your games on those!

Now for some gaming info:

February 5, 2007

And we have a Quote of the Day!

"I can hold plenty of things in my hand..." -Christine. We all know it wasn't ment to sound that bad...hahahahaha.


Players: Fenwick, Sean, Kaylin, Angie

While this game is primarily for................................................Pirates (ewwwww...), Kaylin and I were kind enough to participate in playing against Sean and Chris.

Of course...a Pirate won.

And, of course, it's Sean. Kaylin was close behind with 4 men on the boat, leaving Chris and me tied with 3 people. But I place higher cuz I said so. >D

Engel & Bengel

Players: Ashlei, Ninja Patrick, Pirate Patrick, and Heather.

It is important for me to inform you that this game was being played at the same time as Cartagena, so the Pirates only won this game too because they were grouped close together and using Pirate tricks to cheat. Ninjas don't cheat. We lost with honor.

Final results were:

Heather wins with 500 points. Ashlei had 450, Patrick the Ninja finished ahead of Patrick the Pirate 350 points to 150.

Trans America, baby!

Players: Me, Kaylin, Fenwick, Mke 2, and Rachel

This game is definitely one of my personal favorites. Therefore, I won by default. Aside from that, I have no idea what the scores were. ^^; Boo ya!

Ninjas win!


Players: Uhh....this changed a bit throughout the game, but the people who had their names on the scoresheet were Sam, Fenwick, Christine, Sean/Heather, Ashlei, Me, Mike 2, and TJ/Pirate Patrick.

Note: This game really does get people angry. So if you're going to play with Ashlei, make sure you play in a soundproof room, haha. ;)

This is also the game where we got our Quote of the Day from.

For anyone who doesn't know the rules, basically, you start with 10 cards and are dealt one less every time until you get to 1. You have to bid on how many times you can win per hand, and you lose points when you don't make your bid, and sometimes you lose points anyway when you win. Stupid -5 cards. To win, screw over as many people as you can. :)

In the end, Sam won because he wins every game he plays, but it's okay because despite what he says, he's a Ninja. I have evidence to prove it! So it was a victory for the Ninjas!

Sam had 21, Chris 12, Christine 9, Sean/Heather 14, Ashlei -15, Me 10, Mike 2 -16, and TJ/ Pirate Patrick -1.

Ticket to Ride

Players: Fenwick, Sean, Ashlei, Mike 2, and Me partnered with Rich cuz I have ADD. >D

I have to say this game is definitely a lot of fun. And darn you Sean for getting longest track bonus!!! It was only by 1!!

Overall scores were Sean 115, Me and Rich 89, Mike 2 83, Fenwick 65, and Ashlei with 48.

Pirates won.

February 29, 2007
For all of the following information everyone thank Chris!!! He's the reason this is getting posted, because Blogger has been driving me a little crazy, and I probably would have given up before writing up so much stuff. So, thanks a million Chris!
The letter after the name indicates whether the player is on team (P)irate or team (N)inja.

A List of Players who played during this game day:
Ashlei (P)
Carlo (N)
Cathy Willms (P)
Chrissy (P)
Fenwick (P)
Kaylin (N)
Mike1 (P)
Mike2 (P)
Nolan (N)
Patrick (N)
Patrick (P)
Paul (P)
Rich (N)
Sam (P)
Sean (P)
TJ (N)
Victoria (N)


Players: Kaylin (N), TJ (N)

Score: TJ - 41. Kaylin - 37.

TJ wins!



Players: Victoria (N), TJ (N) [replaced by Kaylin (N)]. Came in later: Nolan (N), and Patrick (N)

Score: Victoria - 34. TJ/Kaylin - 8. Patrick - 3. Nolan - 0.

In this game you are trying NOT to collect points. Nolan wins!


Gang of Four

Players: Ashlei (P), Patrick (P), Patrick (N) [replaced by Sam (P)], Nolan (N) [replaced by Paul (P)].

Score: Ashlei - 14. Nolan/Paul - 9. Patrick - 3. Patrick/Sam - 2.

Another game that the fewer points the better... Patrick/Sam wins!



Players: Sam(P), Ashlei (P), Patrick (P)

Score: The winners went like this... Round 1 - Sam. Round 2 - Patrick. Round 3 - Ashlei. Round 4 - Sam. Round 5 - Sam.

Sam looks like the bigger winner in this set.



Players: Nolan (N), Kaylin (N), Sean (P)

Score: After two rounds, the game was called. Nolan and Sean had lost 4 points. Kaylin only lost 3.

Kaylin wins!


Betrayal at House on the Hill

Players: Sean (P), TJ (N), Rich (N), Nolan (N), Mike2 (P)

Notes: The scenario turned out to be "The Feast". The Traitor was TJ. And he was trying to have his cannibal freaks devour the flesh of his fellow inhabitants. He failed miserably. Survivors Sean, Rich, Nolan, and Mike2 secreted the hapless victims away, and mercilessly slaughtered TJ's cannibal freaks.

The Heroes win!


Betrayal at House on the Hill

Players: TJ (N), Mike2 (P), Victoria (N), Paul (P), Ashlei (P), Patrick (N)

Notes: The scenario turned out to be "It's Alive!". The house became alive, with Ashlei attempting to keep it that way. The survivors had to kill the house by using The Spear to attack The Brain or The Heart, located in The Attic or The Organ Room, respectively. TJ already had The Spear, and when the Organ Room appeared, he quickly made his way there. Surrounded by Antibodies, he fought his way through the swarm, plunging The Spear deep within the house's Heart.

Heroes win!


Power Grid

Players: Fenwick (P), Sean (P), Kaylin (N), Mike1 (P)

Score: Kaylin built 20 buildings first, and could power 18. Sean built 17, could power 16. Mike1 built 18, could power 17. Fenwick built 19, could power 14.

Kaylin wins!

Notes: Sean had to go fetch the game from his car, which is where it most often resides. Since it has been cold, REALLY cold, steadily for the past bunch of days, all the pieces were quite chilly when we opened the box. It was actually kind of a nifty sensation extracting the cold pieces. Kaylin remarked, "I think we should refrigerate ALL the games."



Players: Nolan (N), Kaylin (N)

Score: The winners went like this... Round 1 - Kaylin. Round 2 - Kaylin. Round 3 - Nolan. Round 4 - Nolan. Round 5 - Nolan.

Nolan won 3 out of 5, so this match goes to him.



Players: Mike2 (P), Rich (N), Christina (P), Carlo (N), TJ (N)

Score: TJ (triggered endgame) - 37. Chrissy - 30. Mike2 - 21. Carlo - 21. Rich - 14.

TJ takes this game. Soundly.



Players: Rich (N), Mike (P), TJ (N), Fenwick (P)

Score: The winners went like this... Round 1 - Fenwick. Round 2 - TJ. Round 3 - Fenwick.

Fenwick has to be given the win here.



Players: Ashlei (P), Cathy Willms (P), Chrissy (P), Fenwick (P)

Notes: We didn't keep accurate score of this, but Fenwick did kick some serious butt. It's safe to say Fenwick is the winner.

Ninjas won.

*When keeping score for games like Betrayal, if the Heroes win, each player scores a point for their team. If the traitor wins, he/she alone gets a point for the team. So, if you have 4 Pirates and 3 Ninjas playing, and one of the Ninjas in the traitor, if the Heroes win, the Pirates get 4 points and the Ninjas only get 2. K? Keep that in mind. I'm being fair!


Chris said...

OK. Listen up, cheating ninjas. SAM IS NOT A NINJA. He's a bleeding Pirate!! Pirates should have more points. Actually we don't care. Because we know we rock, and don't need to cheat to feel confidence in ourselves.

TJ said... even kept tally of Pirates vs. Ninjas so that we can just go through the blog later, rather than each individual game... do I love thee?
Let me count the ways... :P

~ TJ

Angela Magna said...
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Angela Magna said...

Awww, I love you too TJ. :)

And Chris...darling Chris...GO F@!# YOURSELF..SAM IS TOTALLY A F@!#ING NINJA!!!!!! Pirates are the ones who cheat. Loser.