Game: Ingenious
Players: Mike2, Paul, Justin, Fenwick

This is a relatively new classic from Reiner Knizia. It came out in 2004, and has been one of my favorites since I picked it up. I don't play it enough. The gameplay is simple -- it can be taught to the most non-gamer of players! The thick plastic pieces are great to play with, and the best moves are super-satisfying.
It was Paul's first game of Ingenious, so, of course, he won. It seems most people win their first game... weird.

Game: Tsuro
Players: Mike2, Joe, Dave, Kaylin, Fenwick, TJ (just for game 2)

This is one we yank out often when we need a bunch of players (up to 8, and really great with any number down to 2), and includes players who are not big gamers. You can watch the game for 23 seconds, and pretty much figure out exactly how to play. It's also a beautiful game, with thick cardboard tiles, and engraved-rock-looking pawns.
We played two games. Incidentally, and apropos of nothing, Kaylin went down first in both games.
Mike2 won the first game.
Joe won the second.

Game: Heave Ho
Players: Joe, Fenwick
This is a two-player game that simulates two families of Scotsmen (and Scotswomen -- who are the strongest of the clans!!) in a tug-of-war. It's a fairly straightforward game... you play cards of varying strengths in order to make your side the stronger of the two. Before the tug-of-war, there is a speed round where each player chooses cards to keep and chooses other cards to give away. It's a simple fun game.
We actually didn't get to finish, as Joe's ride showed up mid-game. Still counts as one we've played, though!

Game: Clippers
Players: Rob, Rich, Fenwick

I love this game!! I don't do well, but it is really fun to play, and there is NO RANDOMNESS AT ALL. It is a true Euro -- strategy rules the game. It's pretty wild how each person goes at it with different tactics. Every choice is agoizing -- everything has some give-and-take.
You build shipping routes to your islands, at the same time as others are trying to divert to theirs. It provides for wonderful competition. There are SO MANY BITS, which is always satisfying -- the over-a-hundred route segments cover the oversized game board by the end. Beautiful game in appearance, as well as in playability. The gameplay is simple on the surface, but has some HUGE depth.
Final scores: Rich had 160, Fenwick had 162, and Rob demolished the two of us with 224.

Game: Settlers of Catan
Players: Rob, Rich, Steven, and Fenwick

Eright, I know I like this game. I own so many different add-ons and varieties, I'd better. I probably own $300 worth of Catan things. But I don't play it very often for some reason. When I play it, I am in love with the game. But, in between times, I forget how good it is.
I was again reminded. We were just playing the original 4-player Settlers of Catan game.
This game is sort of the perfect blend of American-style (roll the dice, move a piece), and Euro (manage resources, strategize agonizingly). The bits are beautiful, the gaming is fully satisying.
UNFORTUNATELY we didn't get to finish as both Steven and Rob had to leave early. Ouch. I need to play again soon. Next week, I'm dragging it out first, and I'm ready to play it all day.

Game: Hamsterrolle
Players: Kaylin, Rich, Mike2, Fenwick

This game was a generous and thoughtful gift to me from the Game Club. I love dexterity/stacking games, in general, and this one is one of the coolest. Because this is the ONLY ONE OF THEM that walks away from you as you play it! It has a wondeful "Whoooo-uh-oh!" factor! Once you place a piece, the whole contraption gets crazy. It has much predictability, and a whole lot of UNpredictability. Mainly it's just fun.
Check out this picture I snapped as Mike2 placed a piece -- yep, that yellow piece on the lower left is in MID AIR!

Kaylin won the first game we played as individuals.
Then we played in teams.... Mike2/Fenwick won the second.
Game: Pivot
Players: Kaylin, Rich, Dave, Angie, Mike2, Fenwick

Simple, simple, simple. That doesn't make it a bad game! When the cards are going "Up", you play a card to the discard pile which is a higher value... when going "Down", you player lower-valued cards. That's pretty much it. A bunch can play, and you can jump in for one hand or twenty. We only played 4.
Rich won the first game. Kaylin won numbers 2 and 3. Rich won the 4th.
Game: Great Dalmuti
Players: Mike1, Rich, Dave, Angie, Mike2, Fenwick
I didn't record who won what, but we played a bunch of hands of the game.

Game: Carcassonne w/ the River Expansion and Inns & Cathedrals PLUS The Tower
Players: Dave, Fenwick, Mike1, Mike2, Rich, Sean

CRAZY game. I love Carcassonne, and with these expansions, it gets super-crazy. There was much kidnapping and messing people up.
But near the end of the game, Fenwick and Mike1 were working on a single castle that looked like, when finished, it was going to earn over EIGHTY points. Everyone was really working towards finishing that castle, just so they could say they were a part of the glorious moment. Alas, it was not to be. And, since it had a Cathedral in it, they couldn't even get partial points.
Final scores...
Mike1: 28
Rich: 29
Dave: 46
Fenwick: 49
Mike2: 62
Sean: 65

Sean nearly doubled his score with his farmers at the end. He was trailing, and trailing, and mostly lagging behind, as well as trailing, throughout the ENTIRE game. But his lurking in the shadows of the farmfields paid off for him.
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