Now a word from your new Blogger:
Hello! For all of you who don't know I, Angie, will be in charge of posting game club info from now on, so if there is anything you want posted, LET ME KNOW!!! Also, I will be adding some pictures from our highly successful and much loved Game Club Gala that happened forever ago, but no one ever posted about. If anyone has any pictures that they would like to send me, let me know and we'll work it out.

The crowd watches the performance with complete admiration.
Oohhhh yeah. =D

Baby Bird attacks!!

This picture had to be posted no matter what on principle of being awesome.
Kaylin you rock!!

K, now back to gaming.
APPLES TO APPLES! You love it!!
(Don't ask me who won, because I have no idea.)

Some intense gaming from the beginning of the night....
Kaylin goes into deep thought and I have no idea what Chrissy is doing.
But they are playing Flea Circus. In the background Ashlei, me, Sean, Nolan, and Chelsea
play a game of Quiddler....

...This is what we got. Greatest game ever. >D

No comment.

Ashlei trying really hard to concentrate.
She's almost got her name done.
Damn pirates.

Our awesome certificates. And look! It's our officers!
Drum roll please! From left to right we have:
Mike 1, Sean, TJ (aka Jesus or El Presidente), and the magnificent
Cathy Willms. We probably wouldn't be here without her. =)

A nice, happy picture. Me, Cathy, Chrissy, Chris, and Kaylin.

Happy gamers!

Actual gamers. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! haha.
So, that was the Game Club Gala 2006.
Good times, everyone.
Next update!!
For those of you who are slackers and are not up to date on the Game Club ways, we have some new officers!!
El Presidente: TJ
Vice Presidente: Kaylin
Treasurerererer: Mike 1
Blogger/Secretary: Angie
Game Slut: Fenwick (the mighy supplier of games)
Vice Presidente: Kaylin
Treasurerererer: Mike 1
Blogger/Secretary: Angie
Game Slut: Fenwick (the mighy supplier of games)
And though it is not official, Sean is still a game slut in our hearts. We love you, Sean! =)
Well, I think that's all for now! I'll be posting again next week! Take care all!