If you look at the last entry for Blokus, you'll see that we were missing a piece. It's really quite unfair to play with one person having a missing piece (definite advantage!). Last time, we used a piece of a napkin to fill in for that, but it was a horrible workaraound. Jake came up with the idea of having ALL the other colors remove the same piece.

Here's how it went down:
Jake got blocked in first -- that turned out to be OK since he needed to get to class.
Manny got blocked in on the very next turn.
Chris managed to get his last piece down.
Charles had one piece left, but couldn't find it a home.
Blokus results | |
Chris | 15 points for going out! |
Charles | -5 penalty for leftover squares |
Jake | -18 penalty for leftover squares |
Manny | -25 penalty for leftover squares |
Hopefully the missing piece will be in the mail today, and we shall be intact again! Blokus is a good game. We do get rather aggresive at times, though... we enjoy a disturbing schadenfreude of totally blocking a person in. Proof of this: Charles suggested, "I say, 'You suck' when playing this game more than any other one we play."